Part 6

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Tony watched from the window as Grace ran outside and got in Colin's car. He grabbed his keys and headed for the elevator.

"And where do you think you're going?" Ziva asked.

"I gotta... go get a coffee." Tony lied.

"You have one right there on your desk." McGee pointed to the cup while looking at him.

"Well uh, they got the order wrong." Tony said and went down to the parking garage.

Ziva scoffed, "I don't get why he's so worried about her all of a sudden." She sat back down at her desk.

"He feels like a protective big brother to her. But I'd say this is getting a bit too protective." McGee said.

Gibbs went back upstairs and saw only Ziva and McGee in the room.

"Where is DiNozzo?" Gibbs asked.

"He went to spy on your niece." McGee said.

"Good god," Gibbs slammed his fist down, "Ziva please go find him and get him back here."

"On it Gibbs." she said grabbing her keys and running into the elevator.

"Find any suspects?" Gibbs asked McGee.

While they were doing that, Tony followed Grace and Colin to the tattoo place.

"You sure that Tony fellow isn't following us?" Colin asked.

"I hope not. I know he wants to be like a big brother to me and that's kinda how I look at him, but he should be able to trust who I trust." Grace said.

"He sure as hell doesn't trust me." Colin said, shaking his head.

"I know, but he's judging you when he doesn't even know how much of a great best friend you are." Grace smiled at him.

Colin glanced over at me and smiled back, "that means a lot to me, Grace, thank you."

"Anytime bestie." she giggled. They pulled into the tattoo place and went inside. Tony pulled up a few minutes later and went inside. He sat out in the lobby and used an eavesdropping device to listen in on Grace and Colin.

"Hello, how are you today?" a tattoo artist named Katy asked Grace.

"I'm alright. I'd like to get this done on my arm right here." Grace said, giving her the picture and pointing to the space on her arm below her left shoulder. She also gave Katy the paperwork.

"Not a problem. Lie down on the chair and we'll get started." Katy smiled and put gloves on. Grace laid down in the chair and Colin sat on her right side.

"If it hurts, just squeeze my hand. I won't mind." he told her.

"Thanks Colin." she smiled.

"Is Leroy Jethro Gibbs your legal guardian?" Katy asked Grace, looking over the paperwork.

"Yes." Grace answered.

"Alright then." Katy said, then she walked over and sat down then started the outline of the tattoo. Grace tried so hard not to scream and squeezed Colin's hand.

"It's alright, calm down Grace. Just look at me." Colin said. Grace looked at him and he looked back at her. She started getting lost in his blue eyes. Tony peeked his head around the corner and saw us getting lost in each other.

"I knew it." he whispered to himself.

"You knew what?" Ziva asked from in front of him. She was looking at him with her arms crossed and she had a sarcastic smile on her face.

"I uh, knew that they don't serve coffee here." Tony stood up and fixed himself. He and Ziva walked out of the shop.

"I know you're worried about her Tony, but she's fine. She's a smart kid. If she felt she was in any kind of danger, she'd tell us, remember?" Ziva asked Tony as they were walking back to their cars.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I just want to feel important to someone who's like a sibling for once, y'know? After I messed up with my own sister, I've been treating Grace as if she was my sister too and well," Tony started then looked at the door. He could see Grace laughing at a joke Colin was telling her, "I guess I've been trying too hard to keep her safe. First it was not enough, now it's too much," he scoffed, "when will it stop?"

"You'll know Tony. But right now we've gotta get back to the station before Gibbs blows up the place." Ziva said as they rushed back to their cars and to the station.

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