Part 4

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Grace laid her head onto Gibbs's lap and he stroked her hair. Gibbs has done this with Grace ever since her parents had died in a plane crash. Gibbs had then taken Grace in, when she was only the age of 6, as his own and raised her beautifully. Her last name was McCann, but asked Gibbs to change it to his. She had nightmares about what the plane crash would've been like and always woke up crying and yelling for her parents. Gibbs would always rush into her bedroom and hold little Grace tightly in his arms until she stopped crying. It happened almost every night until Grace became the age of 13. By then, she had discovered 'Once Upon A Time' on t.v and got very fascinated with all the beauty and magic of the show, and her depression had just disappeared. She also met Robbie, Colin, and others when she won a contest to tour the show's set. Soon enough she became friends with the whole cast and was invited back all the time. They loved her there. But the two best friends she made were Robbie and Colin. Now her depression was rapidly crawling back knowing that Robbie had crossed over to a better place.

So many thoughts ran through her head that she didn't realize she had started hyperventilating.

Gibbs had her sit up, "look at me. Look me in the eyes. Everything will be alright." Grace started calming back down as she looked her uncle in the eyes and he gently squeezed her hands, letting her know she's safe.

"I promise you Gracie, we will find out who did this to Robbie and they'll pay for what they did." Gibbs told her. Grace only lets Gibbs and Abby call her 'Gracie'. Gibbs can because he's family and Abby can because she's like a big sister to Grace. Gibbs turned towards Grace's bedside table and opened up her shell shaped music box. It was the last thing she got from her parents before they died. It had also had a pearl bracelet inside which she wore every single day since her wrist had grown into it. Gibbs turned the crank of the music box and a soft lullaby played as the small mermaid inside twirled around. This always soothed Grace and made her sleepy. She laid back down and fell asleep within 5 minutes. Gibbs left the music box playing, put Grace's stuffed bear into her arms, then quietly left the room going to bed himself.

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