Part 5

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The next morning, Gibbs arrived at the station without Grace.

"Where's G?" McGee asked.

"I let her have the day off so she wouldn't be even more stressed with work than she already is now with Robbie's death. She's gonna hang with Colin." Gibbs said.

"Are you sure that's a good idea Gibbs? He's seems like a bad dude." Ziva asked.

"Maybe I should go stay with her." DiNozzo started, getting up.

"No, you all have work to do. She's my niece. She'll be fine. She knows better than to go off doing some stupid crap that she knows will get her in trouble." Gibbs said to them.

"Gibbs report to the lab please and thanks." Abby's voice said over the intercom that was on Gibbs' desk.

"I gotta run. Start looking for leads." Gibbs said walking in the direction of the lab.

"I really gotta tell Uncle Gibbs this." Grace said to Abby. Grace was at Colin's with him and on a Skype call with Abby.

"He's coming right now." Abby said as Gibbs walked in.

"Hey Abbs. Hey kiddo." he greeted them.

"Hi Uncle Gibbs." Grace said.

"Grace has something to tell you Gibbs." Abby said.

"Fire away." Gibbs said.

"Last night when I was looking for you, I asked one of the cops what had happened, before Palmer told me, and the cop was very rude to me even when I showed him my badge." Grace explained.

"What did he say to you?" Gibbs asked her.

"He was all like 'that's private information' and when I showed my badge he said, 'ion care who you are or where you're from. Get outta here little girl.' It was rude." Grace said.

"Interesting." Abby said.

Gibbs raised an eyebrow, "that's not normal cop behavior," he said, "I'll have McGee go and question him. Did you catch his name?"

"His name plate said Officer Preston." Grace said.

"Thanks kiddo." Gibbs said.

"You're welcome and, one more thing uncle." Grace said.

"Ok." he said.

"Can I get a tattoo?" she asked. Gibbs widened his eyes.

"Of?" he asked.

"Remember that one time I visited Robbie and Colin on set and Robbie was in his costume and the crew put harnesses on us, lifted us in the air, and it looked like Robbie was holding me up while he was flying?" I asked him.

Gibbs thought for a minute, "yes, you brought home a picture and showed it to me."

"Well I had my friend Kasey edit it for me on her computer so there's no harnesses and Robbie and I were in the starry sky. I wanna get it done on my arm." Grace explained.

Gibbs smiled, "alright, bring down the paperwork and I'll sign it."

"Thanks uncle. See ya." Grace smiled and ended the call.

"You're letting her get a tattoo at 17?" Abby asked.

"Her birthday was last month, she's 18. I'm signing the paperwork anyway in case they give her any trouble," Gibbs said, "now, did you search the knife that was found in Robbie for anything?"

"Yes I did and I found nothing except for his blood and the initials J.D on the handle." Abby said.

"Well, pull up the records of everyone with those initials, find out who recently bought a knife. Also find out the make and year of the knife. Let me know when you've found something." Gibbs said walking out.

"Uncle Gibbs?" Grace called looking around for him when she showed up.

"Right here kiddo. Got that paperwork?" he asked having them step into the conference room.

"Yep." Grace smiled, handing it to him. He filled it out for her then handed it back.

"There you go. I hope it turns out great." he smiled.

"Thank you uncle." Grace said. She kissed his cheek then ran out and back down to Colin who was waiting for her outside.

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