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This night is sparkling,
don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck,
blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever
wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you

- Enchanted by Taylor Swift

Jeno stood next to one of the countless windows, trying to keep himself entertained by watching people dance about in the center of the room.

He would be talking with Jaemin and Jaehyun, who Jaemin had introduced to him earlier, but both of them had been whisked away by countless men and women for dance after dance.

In fact, he could still see their red and green bodies flying around the room, a partner accompanying each of them.

He sighed. "Even dancing would be more fun than this." He complained to himself.

As if they had heard him, two women happened to come up to him in that moment, a shy look on both of their faces.

"Excuse me," one of the women started. "We saw you from across the room and thought you looked very handsome. Would you like to dance with us?" She asked politely.

Jeno thought for a second.

Fuck it.

"Of course." He agreed with an equally polite smile as he took the hand of one of the ladies, her giggling as they walked to the dance floor.

They joined the countless other pairs as they waltzed around, the music playing sweetly as they moved around.

"You're quite the dancer." She complimented as they spun around, and Jeno smiled. "You as well."

They danced for a few seconds longer before she switched with her friend, changing to a new partner a few feet away.

After a while, Jeno started to enjoy himself. By now he had danced with many people, men and women, and each new person had been a fun partner.

The orchestra was now starting a faster piece, and he smiled as everyone stepped around happily. They switched from person to person as dresses and tailcoats twirled around to create a beautiful bouquet of colors.

At one point, Jeno found himself dancing with Jaemin, the both of them laughing as they danced around over exaggeratedly.

Once he was tired, Jeno finally stepped out of the large dance circle and headed to the edge of the ballroom.

He sat on one of the benches and grabbed a glass of champagne off a tray a butler was holding, sipping it as he looked out at the garden.

There was entertainment there too, the king and queen went all out for the return of their sons. People were gathered around a magician and what seemed to be a small jazz band as they cheered on the acts.

He turned his attention back to the ballroom and squinted as he saw a figure across the room that looked a bit like... Renjun?

He shook his head, patting his cheek twice.

It's just the lighting, he thought to himself. Sure enough, when he looked back up, the man was gone and no one else looked remotely like his lover. Or, ex-lover? He didn't know anymore.

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