Chapter 8: fuck

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tw. kidnapping, needles

it was his mom and sister. "hey clay!" drista said with a warm expression. "hey drista." he looked up at his mom. "hi mom." "hey hun how are you? can we come in?" oh god. they want to come in? oh fuck. "no no no just wait can i clean up a little before you guys come in?" "i don't mind sweetie." "can you just hold on for like 10 minutes please." he shut the door on his mom and sister. "fuck fuck fuck fuck. what the fuck do i do." he was pacing back and forth. he began to run down to the basement. "nick it's my mom and sister. i don't know what they want. you need to put george out right now and put him in the bathroom or something. and you need to hide. i'm going to lock you guys in the basement until they leave." "okay. george just calm yourself and relax i need to inject this into you." sapnap said. "please don't, i'll be quiet i promise." "no." sapnap said. sapnap took georges arm and injected him with the sleep serum. it was the stuff the doctors used for pulling wisdom teeth out. "okay you need to take him into the bathroom and you need to lock the door and keep quiet." dream ran upstairs. he opened the door to let his mom and drista in. "it's a little better you can come in now." dream smiled at them. they sat on the couch in dreams living room. "clay i want to tell you why i'm here." dreams face grew red. she knows. she definitely knows. "you know the masked murderer that's trending and everything. well we wanted to stay here for a little bit because you live in the woods. i just want to keep drista safe." oh fuck. no. that can't happen. "i don't think that would work out to well. i'm never really home, i got schoolwork and stuff. i don't think that would work. i can pay for you to go to a hotel or something. i don't know but it's for the best not to stay here." dream was stuttering like crazy. his mom grew a concerned face. "clay, i want drista to be safe. you said we could come stay over any time. why has that suddenly changed?" i don't know. maybe because i have a person in my basement. "i'm just busy mom. i will pay for a hotel for you two. that seems a lot safer anyways." "fine but if u want to you should come visit us while we're there. also, did you hear that story about the george guy? they still haven't found him yet. he could be anywhere by now. i hope that idiot rots in prison." little did she know she was talking about his son. "yeah mom i know it's really sad, i think about it a lot actually." the silence was horrible. none of them talked for at least 5 minutes. "okay anyways let's get you two to the hotel. i have school work to do." he picked up drista and took her to the car. "you guys drive safe please." dream gave drista a little nudge. he handed his mom some cash for the hotel. it made him feel normal being with drista. it made him feel like he's done nothing wrong. but of course, he has. "we will hun, i'll talk to you later." they were finally gone. he could now go on with his life "normally". he ran down the stairs. "sapnap you can open up now." sapnap opened the door. georges head was resting on his shoulder. he grew jealous. "my mom and drista wanted to stay here but i said no and i gave them money for a hotel. she said she was scared because the masked murderer." sapnap couldn't help but laugh. "it's not funny you fucking idiot. she told me to rot in prison. well not directly, but she did she hopes the killer rots in prison." "oh shit dude. that's kinda tough man. it's almost like you chose this lifestyle for yourself ." dream was fuming. "why don't you ever shut the fuck up nick. it's like you chose that lifestyle for yourself too." "you fucking took me from my home, tortured me and then called me your friend. i didn't choose shit. you forced me into this fucking lifestyle. don't play victim when you aren't even close to being one." dream needed to cool off before he did something he regrets. he knew it was true, which was why he was so mad. dream ran up the stairs. he locked the basement door behind him. he screamed through the door, "i didn't want to be like this, maybe if you and your fucking friends didn't harass me all throughout my fucking life i wouldn't be like this." flashbacks dream was getting up for the day. his first class was intro to nursing. he got dressed and put his bag on his back. he opened his door. "hey you fucking nerd why don't you go play some minecraft with your dumbass friends." nick, nicknamed sapnap, was the worst one out of the group. he's been bullying him all throughout high school and college. the privileged white boy got everything handed to him. he didn't have to work for shit. "why can't you just leave me alone you asshole. i'm sick of your bullshit." "awe is little clay boy going to cry." sapnap and his friends laughed and nudged eachother. that's it. that was dreams breaking point. a couple of hours later. dream was pacing back and forth in his room. thoughts ran all throughout his head. he wanted to get this guy. and he was going to get what he deserved. dream owned a house a little outside of orlando. he planned to move in after college. but now suddenly seemed like the right time to move in. he packed his bags and left. that was the last time he ever stepped foot into that college. as soon as he got to his house he dropped off his stuff. he was going to find this bitch. he picked up his phone and looked at nicks twitter. "chilling for the night, parents aren't home, hit me up here's the address-" what a fucking idiot. really putting his address on social media. he grabbed his knife and headed out the door. he got into his car and put the address into google maps. .... "you have arrived." he was at nicks house. he got out of his car. walking up to nicks door, he opened it up. what type of idiot puts his address on the internet and keeps his door unlocked. it's like it was meant to be. he heard nick talking. he didn't know who he was talking too. "okay mom okay. i will. love you too." he walked up to him. "how the fuck did you get in my house." dream grabbed out his knife. "now you're going to listen to me this time. i'm sick of all of your bullshit. i'm not fucking scared anymore." he could see nick secretly typing on his phone. he grabbed his phone, threw it on the ground and stomped on it. "you're going to come with me, and if you don't you'll just make it worse for yourself." he grabbed nick and ran to his car. .... he was home. nick was silent the whole ride. he knew one thing could make him snap. he grabbed nick and pushed him into his house. "please. what the fuck are you doing." sapnap seemed more concerned then scared. "you listen to me now. you don't get to ask questions." he shoved him down the basement steps, closed the door and locked it. flashback ends "dream let me out come on. we can talk about this instead of fighting about it." no. dream was not going to break this time. sapnap was now his victim again.

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