Warm As Death

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Hello again guys! It's been a while, I know. I'm so sorry. Been really busy along with writers block and a whole lot of other crap. I won't bore ya with the details tho, don't worry. Happy Thanksgiving! I'm so grateful for all of you and thank you for reading this story! This is my Thanksgiving present for you:

This was a little rushed....okay, very rushed (fair warning) and I haven't read over it or anything so ima probably come back and fix up some of this just fyi

"Start counting how many people are in that crowd." Jerome whispered in your ear backstage.

"Why?" Your eyes narrowed as you looked at him through the purple masquerade mask you now wore.

"Because that's how many people are gonna die if you try anything." He grinned with a cruel fire in his eyes. "So do them a favor, and don't get everybody killed."

He placed the top hat on his head, "Oh, and make sure no one recognizes you, dollface, I'd hate to have ta kill 'em." and he frowned slightly, "No, wait...I really wouldn't. Ya know what, doll? Go ahead, try and escape. I always loved target practice." He giggled as you glared.

Jerome was wearing a suit with a fake beard and mustache. He was going to be performing some magic tricks with Barbara who wore a pink mask similar to yours. They had killed the real magician and now Jerome was using his name.

You would just have to hope that Jim would save you. There was nothing you could do. If you tried to escape or find anyone you knew, they would be dead. You supposed you'd just have to sit this one out and hope that Jim would do his damn job. But at the same time, your conscience nagged at you to do something. Your aunt was up on stage introducing the magician that Jerome was supposed to be. She was in danger and so was everyone else. You couldn't just sit by! But...you had to. They'd die if you didn't.

So you took deep breaths and stayed out of sight.

Jerome and Barbara came up on the stage. Jerome did a few little tricks before asking for a volunteer. You were panicking. If they picked a volunteer, you dreaded to think what would happen to them. To your further horror, Jerome picked Bruce. Bruce Wayne. The boy you had met before. He was friends with Jim and he had that other friend Selina. You had to hold yourself back from running to him. He was just a kid.

You chewed your nails nervously. You couldn't run out there. You couldn't tell anyone. You couldn't scream. If you did anything they would all die, probably starting with your aunt or Bruce.

They put Bruce in a box and were going to slide some blades in with him. You knew what the box was supposed to do but your fear was growing at the idea that it wasn't really a magic trick. They could kill him.

Jerome raised the blades, clanking them together, "Is there a doctor in the house?"

You heard Bruce's butler, Alfred, start to protest but Jerome only smiled at him and shoved the blades in, earning a yelp from you as you quickly turned away.

Slowly, you glanced back over your shoulder to see Jerome telling Bruce to wave with the blades now inside the box. The boy waved and you sighed in relief, it really was just a magic trick.

Once the boy was off the stage you looked around. These types of things never go right. Jim would come and they would be arrested, whatever the original plan was, it wouldn't be that easy. They wouldn't be able to just demand stuff, get what they want, and run for it. It wasn't that simple. They were obviously skilled criminals, they should know that much. So they had to have some kind of escape route prepared. Maybe you should just leave it to Jim, but if you could somehow find a way to mess up their escape, it would make Jim's job a lot easier.

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