Esdeath: Reward

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Esdeath POV

As run proposed the idea of hosting a competition to find my one true love I asked the Jeagers to make posters immediately and spread them throughout the capital.

'I know you're out there...' I smirk


I woke up...great.

I live by myself, both parents passed away when I was younger, no siblings, just me...

I get up and throw on my usual clothes. I live in basically a one room home, I built it in an alleyway a few years ago. By now i would've expected it to collapse but it's still standing strong.

'I need food, at least water. But I have almost no money...I hate stealing but...I have no other option.' I guiltily thought as I exit my makeshift home.

As I wonder the streets I find a flyer, there's a competition open to all for a money prize.

'Hmmmm, I'll save this for later.' I thought as I fold up the paper and shove it in my pocket.

As I walk past the food stands I see a boy wearing a long white jacket with messy brown hair holding the same flyer.

'Looks like I need to train more.'

As I steal a loaf of bread and a few fruits I make my way back home after being chased down.

I remember when I was younger my father would teach me how to fight and since then I haven't stopped practicing so I have high hopes for this competition.


A few weeks had passed and I've been training as much as I could.

Now I'm approaching the spot we'll be fighting on, my first opponent looks like an average guy.

As soon as the bell rung he lunged at me with exceptional speed.

'Interesting, but I want the money...and fast.'

While he's in mid air I punch him hard into the ground knocking him out cold, after I was declared winner of that round I could help but smile.

'Wow I haven't felt this much hope in such a long time!' I thought.

Little did I know I just caught the attention of the most feared woman in the capital.

As more rounds go on I find myself in the finals, across from me stands that same boy I saw earlier except he's wearing a different jacket.

'Hmmm he's quick and has good swordsman skills...' I have no more time to think as I quickly grab a steel staff, on the end it has a chain connected to a sharpened arrow head.

'I will chose a medium range weapon in hopes of keeping my distance from his sword.'

We've been fighting for about ten solid minutes now, we're both getting a bit fatigued, but I'll do anything for that money prize.

As I take my stance I feel my energy temporarily replenish.

'Adrenaline finally decided to kick in'
As a smirk appears I spin my staff, I aim for the boys thigh in hopes to graze it with the arrow head. He blocks, my staff is pushed upward. But that's when I jab right at his head earning myself a knockout.

A moment of silence.

As I stand up panting anticipating the reward, the referee holds up my arm and declares me winner.

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