Taiga Aisaka: Cuddles

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Requested by @inqxxs_


As I sit through this boring class my mind wonders to what antics my girlfriend is up to.

'I wonder if she's landed someone on their ass yet.'

When we finally get our lunch break so I slightly speed walk to her class I see that she just has her head down.

'If she's sleeping...I shouldn't wake her.' I thought as I slowly walk back to my own classroom.

After I sit through the rest of school the bell finally rings, Taiga usually waits for me at the student entrance but she wasn't there.

'Maybe she's just running late.' I thought so I sat on a step and waited for her.

After 30 minutes passed and my phone battery got low I decided to go check to see if she's home.

As I tiredly walk I sort through my bag to find the key to her place.

I finally get in and see her sleeping still in her school clothes, I go to brush her hair out of the way when I notice dried tear stains.

Without saying a word I climb into bed with her, I pull the blanket over the both of us.

I pull her close to me, her head in the crest of my neck while my other arm is securely around her torso.

As I play with her long, silky hair, I also drift asleep.

Taiga POV

I slowly wake up  and realize I'm not alone.

"GAHHHH!" I kicked the person off the bed.

"Jesus, after a few times I thought I'd learn my lesson." They groaned.

After they sat up I realized...I just kicked my girlfriend off the bed.

"Uh-I...sorry!" I rush to help her up.

"It's fine, anyways I bet you're hungry!" She pops right back into her happy self.

"Hmm I could go for something." I agree.

Soon after we head to the market hand in hand, we bought all of the necessary groceries.

We get back to my place and she starts cooking while I find something on the tv.

"Okay all done!" She yells from the kitchen.


I can't help but wonder what Taiga was crying about earlier, I hope it wasn't something I did.' I thought as we eat together.

Afterwards go to lay on the couch, before I toss the blanket over me I notion Taiga to join me.

Surprisingly she does.

As her figure lays on top of me I toss the blanket over the both of us while hugging her bringing her as close as possible.

"So, want to tell me what you were sad about earlier?" I softly ask.

She looks at me stunned.

"H-How did you know I was sad?" She stutters.

"I have my ways, anyways would you like to tell me?" I ask.

"Well...it's just that I feel so alone sometimes, I get that I have you and all, but sometimes I come home and just feel so empty and I don't want to bother anyone..." she trails off as I feel fresh tears stain my shirt.

I pull her in a little tighter.

"You're never a bother, especially to me." I plant a kiss on top of her head.

"You missed..." she looks up at me before she connects our lips together.

I pull her in closer cupping her face.

After we have to separate for air we both cuddle on the couch a watch movies for the rest of the night.

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