Esdeath: Why Are You Here?

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'Ever since I fought that bastard I've been living on this island in the middle of butt-fuck-nowhere! I was only going on a nightly walk when he showed up and started speaking nonsense so I tried to kill him OR AT LEAST SCARE HIM AWAY because he was being creepy and then poof, island. It's been like what, a few months now...bullshit.' I rant in my head as I draw pictures in the sand.

As I make sand angels I hear a really loud sound along with a woman's voice.

I stealthy make my way there to see what was happening, to my surprise there was a woman.

I gasp in shock, but I accidentally caught her attention.

She locks eyes with me and the next second there's an ice spike right at my neck.

'She's not scary at all'

I raise my hands at the speed of light.

"Who are you and why are you here?" She interrogates me.

"...I could be asking you the same thing...I've been stuck here for a few months...I think, but so far it's only been me." I explain.

"Are you a Night Raid member?" She asks.

"No? But why are you dressed like that?" I ask.

"Hmm, you seem genuine about your words. I will lower my guard for now around you." She says making her ice pointy disappear.

Just then two giants come out of the water, I grab my sword that was strung behind my back when I'm suddenly hundreds of feet in the sky.

'Okay...this is new...'

"Watch and learn!" She smirks and creates a MOON SIZED ICE BALL without a sweat.

It damages the giant but not enough to stop it, I look closer to see a little spot located near the top of the giant.

"I'M GOING FOR IT!" I yell before running like I have a death wish.

She makes an ice path for me while I skillfully kill the person controlling the giant. She follows suit and kills the other one.

As the lowers me to the sand she looks at me puzzled.

"I thought you said you weren't part of Night Raid." She take a few steps closer to me.

"I'm not..." I back away slightly due to her sudden mood change.

"Then how to you have those skills? Although they are messy and don't have good technique, they're not skills acquired by an average person." She continues to walk towards me.

"I'm self taught, since I was left on my own I started hunting danger beasts starting off with the smaller ones and then moving up. Eventually I could kill a danger beast twice my size without putting myself in danger." I explained.

"Hmm, once again you sound genuine. Sorry for being rude but my name is Esdeath, I am an Imperial General for the minister." She introduced herself.

"Nothing fancy but I'm (Y/N) and I live in the Capital." I introduce myself to her.

"Got to say I admire your bravery too, where in the Capital are you from?" She site patting the spot next to her.

"Well...the alleyways..." I embarrassingly look away.

"What?" Esdeath tilts her head.

"Ummmmm...I'm kind of I can't afford anywhere..." I admit.

"You're very interesting...when we get off this island would you like to stay with me?" She offers.

"I'm sorry but I could never burden you like that..." I sheepishly smile.

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