Rin Tosaka: Are we enemies? Pt. 1

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"Hey Tohsaka!" I hear in the distance.

'Of course everyone melts over Tohsaka, it annoys me to an extent how they waste their time on someone they'll probably never even have a conversation with.' I thought as I walk through the halls on my way to the rooftop.

As I look at the view, cloudy skies, classmates playing soccer, schoolmates eating outside, and the archery club having a meeting.

'The holy grail war is happening soon, honestly if I die, part of me won't even mind. Although I do have to summon a warrior soon. So much work, my parents were always so obsessed with the holy grail war even though they were weak mages, so how am I a powerful mage? But they were so obsessed with warriors and other mages the ended up getting themselves killed by getting caught spying on two servants in a fight.' I felt the breeze up against my face.

I am an energy mage, so basically I can control and create lighting, I can also transfer and absorb energy, wherever there is electricity there is more energy I can absorb, with that energy I can either shoot energy pulses using my hand to aim or make lighting weapons...I can also charge my phone just by holding it.

I notice the time and start to walk back to class. I sat in my seat the was fortunately by the window, but at the same time I sat right behind Tohsaka...who attracts attention even if she's JUST breathing. Class finally started, I just sat through the whole lecture staring out the window watching the storm start.

As I watch the storm outside I start to think of the different types of warriors.

'Hmmm let's see, there's Archer, Berserker, Caster, Lancer, Rider, and Sabre. Sabre is a really good servant but there are some drawbacks, for example if I has Sabre how would they fight against Castor without having to close the distance and risking a lot. Assassin is very knowledgeable about the other servants and can properly gauge the other servants tactics and fighting styles. I vote for servant, I just hope it isn't a stubborn ignorant one.' The bell rang.

As I walk to the main entrance of the school I realize I forgot my umbrella.

'Oh well, I'm not staying here forever or asking someone else, after all they might be fucking annoying.' I thought as I start walking in the rain, I can feel everyone's stares burning through me yet I continue.

'Feels refreshing almost. At least on not wearing anything too see through.'

"Jeez! Do you want to get sick?!" I hear a girls voice.

I turn my head to see Tohsaka walking towards me with an umbrella.

"You're crazy walking and letting yourself get soaked!" She scolded as sh repositions the umbrella to cover the both of us.

I just shrug and continue walking.

"Where do you live? So I can walk you home." She asked.

"Just down the road to the left." I say a bit quietly.

She looks at me stunned.

"Hm?" I curiously hum.

"Y-your voice is so pretty, I've never heard you talk! I'm also in that direction." She still continues to stare at me flabbergasted.

As we continue to walk in a rather comfortable silence I point out that we've arrived at my house, it's nothing flashy but at least I don't have to share a property with other people.

"Really? I'm just a bit more down the road! Honestly I didn't even know anyone lived there since I never saw anyone there!" She checks out my house.

We say our goodbyes, as I walk in the house I plop on the couch for a quick nap.

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