Chapter 8:

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After I had dropped Chloe at her apartment and made sure she got inside safely, I drove home. Without Jesse being there, it felt weirdly empty. He had packed a few things and moved in with his best friend. I wandered around the apartment, looking at the photos of us that were scattered around. I stopped in the living room and took the photo, that was standing on the sideboard in my hand. While I was looking at it, I was zoning out, remembering everything we had been through together. I softly smiled and put the photo back down again. We had been friends long before we got together. We knew each other since middle school. He had been there for me for a damn big part of my life.

I grabbed a box and put the photos of Jesse and me away. I wasn't ready to throw them out yet. After all, he had not only been my boyfriend, but he had been a great friend.

After I had put the photos away, I went into the kitchen to grab a bottle from the wine cooler. I poured a glass and put it down on the coffee table in the living room. Then I went to get my laptop and sat down on my sofa. I had to look over the finances of Studio 22 again and was lost in my charts, when my phone buzzed on the table. It was a text message from Jesse.

"Hey, Beca. Can we talk? I left in a hurry without really listening to you. It wasn't fair. Let's talk about this one more time."  I read out loud to myself.

I couldn't deal with him right now, so I just put my phone back down on the coffee table and decided to answer him the next day.


When I woke up and peeked at my phone, I remembered the text from Jesse. I texted back and got ready for the day. Two hours later, I was on my way to a coffee shop to meet him. I was curious as to why he wanted to talk once more. A talk wouldn't hurt, would it? I opened the door to the coffee shop and already saw him sitting at a table by the windows. He noticed me and a slight smile appeared on his face. Once I had ordered my coffee, I sat down across from him.

"Hey, peanu-" I looked at him confused. "Sorry. Force of habit."

"Hey, Jesse. Why did you want to meet? You didn't want me to explain last time we talked about this, so why now?" I questioned harsher than intended.

"I left because I was hurt. I still am, but since I moved out, I realized something."  He explained and I had an idea where this was going. And I didn't like the thought of it.

"What did you realize?"

"I love you, Beca." There it was.

"Do you? Because all you do is tell me you love me, but in the last couple months you didn't show me once. I didn't expect the world from you... All I asked for, was a little help. And everything you kept doing, was telling me you would support me, but you never once did."

"I know. I'm sorry." He meekly answered and I was getting angry.

"You always say you're sorry, but instead of changing things, you just pretend like nothing ever happened or you try to blame it on me! I'm tired of your empty promises! Why are we even having this talk when you were the one who ended us?"

"We're having this talk because I miss you, Beca! You're my little peanut and I miss waking up next to you. I miss spending the day in bed in our pj's. I miss going out and having fun with you. I miss your kisses.... I miss YOU! Please give me a chance, Beca. I promise you; I'll change. Let me make it up to you.", he desperately said.

"Since you moved out I had a lot of time to think. Do you want to know what I realized?" Without waiting for an answer, I continued, "I realized, that I have been unhappy for months and that I should've ended things sooner. You're a great friend Jesse, and I will forever be grateful to have you in my life, but I think this break-up is for the best."

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