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Due to the unexpected appearance of the freed Wookiees, Saw separated the assault team in two. He and Mirienna guided the Wookiees back to the camp through the jungle, while the mercenaries took Choyyssyk on the corvette over the lake, with Syrran at the helm. The wounded Wookiee lay on the deck, sleeping with a rolled-up blanket for a pillow, and Arash looking after him. Addia introduced the team to Ilum and they took time to explain how they came to be among them.

"And I thought our journey was strange," Theleema said.

"You are named after a planet?" Elynn found the concept curious.

"The Iron Knights took the names of planets where kyber crystals can be found," Ilum said. "My sister was Jedha, for example."

"Looks like your former Master's involvement in these events is more complex than we first thought, Sy," Gorin said.

What are you after, Quinlan? Syrran was confused by his Master's actions. "I know. Everything has to do with the Empire's interest in kyber crystals. And whatever he found out before his disappearance is menacing enough to go against his personal beliefs. I wish he had told me what this was all about instead of just sending me a cypher."

"Did Quinlan help you finish your training?" Addia said.

"He did... but that was some time ago."

"And you met at the Jedi Order?" Theleema said.

"In the library." Addia cherished the distant memory. "We used to spend a lot of time buried in holobooks."

"So did I—some years later," Elynn said.

"You have no idea how glad I am you survived," said Addia.

"Thanks to you," Syrran said.

"You know what I mean."

"I do—and I'm also glad to see you again. There are not many familiar faces left."

"This doesn't change anything, does it?" Arash said.

"Why would it?" Theleema said.

"No," Syrran said. "It just proves Quinlan had powerful reasons to ask me to carry out this mission."

"Which is?" Ilum hovered among them.

The question made the team look at each other in silence.

"We need all the help we can get, right?" Elynn said.

"Their arrival was anything but random," Gorin said.

"What are you guys up to?" Addia said.

Syrran spoke after Theleema and Arash gave him a nod. "We're heading to Coruscant to kill the Emperor."

"Oh... I see... wow..." Addia dropped back against the side of the ship, unable to process what she heard. "Forget I asked."

"Is that what your Master asked you to do?" Ilum said.

"Former Master—" Syrran said. "And yes, that's why we're all here together."

"The Force brought us together," Gorin said. "The mission is just the catalyst."

"That's a way of seeing it," Arash said. "But Elynn is right, we need all the help we can get."

"The star compass, you said Quinlan sent it to Lor San Tekka?" Syrran said.

"He did," Addia said.

"Can I see it?"

"Sure." Addia fished out of her backpack.

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