🔪Omori Because I Have A Flower Crown🌸

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Hero: Omori... you can't solve your problems with a knife...

Omori: Which is exactly why I carry two


Omori: We eat salt because someone in history decided to lick a rock and found it tasty.

Sunny: I wanna know what it's like to wake up and not have to think about that.

Omori: You can't jump without falling, but you can fall without jumping.

Sunny: UGH WHYYY??

Omori: Dying of old age is dying of not dying.

Sunny: Wait, wait, wait. Hold up. Wait a minute-

Omori: Wonder how many places we've already visited for the last time.

Sunny: I can't wait for the last time my brain explodes and I can just think normally again...

Omori: Have you ever wondered who's random persons favorite seat you took on the bus?

Sunny: No, I actually haven't Omori, because when you aren't here I think kinda more normal.

Omori: If you become a surgeon you're legally allowed to stab people.


Sunny: Ok that one I like.


*Stranger's turn*

Stranger: Psst, Sunny.

Sunny: Oh no not you too...

Stranger: Being born a billionaire is like starting a game already completed with everything unlocked.

Sunny: Here we go...

Stranger: Imagine how much scarier the ocean would be if we could fall through it like we fall through air.

Sunny: What is with you guys and mentioning falling...?

Stranger: I wonder if I've ever had the same dollar twice.

Sunny: No one ask me where he got this from, I would tell you if I knew...

Omori: :3

Stranger: Sleeping is like a real life skip button.

Sunny: Exactly what I use it for.

Stranger: You will never know what memories you lost.

Sunny: On the contrary, YOU reminded me of what I did to Mari-

Stranger: When someone asks you which way to the beach, you can literally point in any direction and be right.

Sunny: Why are you two like this...?

Stranger: I have a lot of time to think in Black Space, I don't know what Omori's problem is-


Some Teacher Basil had a few years after the incident: Not having more than ten memories from your childhood is an indication of trauma.

Basil: *looks straight down*

Teacher: Basil? How many do you have?

Basil: Uh, two, maybe three?

Teacher: What're they of...?


Basil: Trauma. :'3


Aubrey: Look Kel, I'm not gonna sit here and trade insults with you like we're twelve again because first of all, we're not twelve, and second of all, I'd win.



Hero: Kel, two questions. What are you doing, and are you going to be ok?

Kel, trying really hard not to cry as he stands barefoot on legos: To prove Aubrey wrong, and prove I can in fact do this. And I'll be fine.

Hero: ...

Hero: You want help...?

Kel: *quietly sobs* Please-


Basil: Ya know, if you're Sunny's loyal friend, he'd probably throw himself in front of a car for you.

Sunny: Oh, I'd throw myself in front of a car for fun.

Basil: SUNNY NO-


*somewhere in Black Space with Omori and Dream Basil*

Omori: Grab my hand. *offers Dream Basil his hand*

Dream Basil: *slowly takes it and looks over at him*

Omori: Now we wait... we wait for-

Something: *literally exists for .2 seconds*

Omori: NOW-

Omori: NOW WE GO- *starts running and just pulls Dream Basil with him*



Something: *chasing behind them* REEEEEE-


Basil: *lying on the floor crying*

Kel, trying to be comforting: Oh, there, there, it's gonna be ok. *hugs him*

Basil: I miss my parents...

Kel: Oh, wait- Shoot- That's deeper than I wanna go- Someone help-


*I think I used this before, but~*

*Dream Basil in Black Space before anyone finds him and he's stuck with watermelons and Stranger boy-*

Dream Basil: Remember! More espresso, less depresso~ ^^ *hands Stranger some*

Stranger: *sips some*


Stranger: I'm still depressed but now I'm faST-


Interviewer: What are you guys most afraid of?

Hero: Spiders. ... and getting a B in school-

Sunny: The phone ringing in the middle of the night.

Mari: That I'm too much of a perfectionist.

Kel: Nothing!

Aubrey: Oh, right, what about the idea of never actually being taller than Hero?

Kel: Oh I don't like that-

Basil: Losing Sunny.

Everyone: Aww :3

Sunny, who already said his fear, contemplating his life choices: ._.

Aubrey: Me now?


Aubrey: Dying alone.

*haha, used Mari in the last chapter, used her again now!*


Dream Mari: So what's something good everyone did today?

Omori: I prevented a murder.

Dream Mari: *shocked and impressed* Well how'd you do that?

Omori: *flips knife* Self control.

Dream Mari: I-


Sunny: Has someone ever just spoke to you and you're like;

Sunny: "Ohh, you're underestimating me."

Sunny: "Hah... this should be fun."


A/N: This got kinda long lol. Enjoy my Omo streak~

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