🔪Omori, Because I Have Gotten Too Many People Into This Fandom🌸

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*probably how Hero and Sunny first bonded*

Hero: *sees spider and screams*

Sunny: *screams for no reason other than hearing Hero scream*

Hero: *laughs a little* Heh, sorry, didn't mean to scare you Sunny.

Sunny: Why'd you scream so loud?

Hero: I saw a spider, I'm sorry.

Sunny: You're scared because of spiders?

Hero: Ok, I... yes, are you making fun of me?

Sunny: No, cuz I a- I was about to say... I am as well.

Hero & Sunny: *Arachnophobia buddies*


*choosing not to go into Basil's room after learning the truth*

Some voice in Sunny's head: Little did he know that this small, seemingly innocuous act, would result in Basil's imminent death.

Sunny, who was walking back to bed: *stops walking*

Sunny: What?

The voice:

Sunny: What?? Hey! Hello!?

Sunny: What!?


Sunny: Why?!


*Stranger trying to explain something, and Omori being Omori*

Stranger: You can't just- ... Omori, it is disrespectful-

Omori: To you.

Stranger: No, it is disresepctful t-

Omori: To you.


Stranger: Omori.

Omori, casually flipping his knife: To you.

Stranger: It is dis-re-spect-ful *claps between each syllable of the word "disrespectful"*

Omori: To you.

Stranger: It is d- Ok, first of all it is disrespectful in general-

Omori, walking away: To you.

Stranger: URGH!!!


*Dream Kel fighting anyone*

Dream Kel: And when my eyes are closed, I see you for what you truly are! Which is uuuglayyy-

*Sunny trying not to go outside after four years*

Sunny: I am allergic to the sun.

*Just Aubrey*

Aubrey: Heels are a male invention designed to make a woman's butt look smaller. .. and to make it harder for them to run away.

*Basil every time people talk about him, in front of him, like he's not there*

Basil: Speaking as a... completely objective, third party outsider, with absolutely no personal interest in the matter-


*Hero, being Hero*

Hero: Hi.

Hero: I just wanted to let you know that in this house we do not support, transphobia, homophobia-


Hero: What's... what's another phobia?

Hero: We don't like spiders either, spiders are ugly-


*I can see Basil saying this when they were younger*

Basil: Sunny, what's your biggest fear?

Sunny: I'm arachnophobic.


Basil: What?

Basil: Why wouldn't you want spiders to get married?


Basil & Sunny, with horrible trauma, hallucinations, depression, and eventually both hospitalized: It is what it is.

Anyone else in the game or fandom: IT IS NOT WHAT IT IS-


*after the photo album incident*

Aubrey, to Basil: I know everything I need to know about you...

Basil: Uh, I'm not sure you do my friend, why don't you take a seat and I'll tell you a bit about myself-


Aubrey, to Sunny: You're so stupid...

Sunny: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but a crowbar would do it so much quicker.

Aubrey: I-


Kel: Hey guys, good alternative to recycling, when you're done with a glass bottle, eat it-

Hero: Kel that's not-

Kel: Eat the bottle.


Stranger, to Omori, at all times: WHEN WILL YOU LEARN!?




Basil: *just breathing air*

Aubrey: Are you gay? You're gay.


*This one is sad but it works too well*

*painful denial*

Basil: No, we... we didn't betray anyone...

Sunny: No, we betrayed everyone.

Basil: No, we- we just- we tried to protect everyone, that's what we did! We were able to help Aubrey, Kel and Hero...

Sunny: But we also hurt Aubrey, hurt Kel, hurt Hero...

*I told you it was sad*


*Basically Basil in the fight scene with Sunny*

Basil: You are my best friend!

Basil: If I'm dying, you're dying with me! There's no choice!


*Omori did not succumb*

Stranger: Oh, so now you don't have a death wish...?

Omori: No, I never had a death wish, it's just that I, personally don't believe that I even can die.


Stranger: Wow.

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