🔪Omori, Because the One Year Anniversary of the Game is This Month🌸

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Sunny: I was like, twelve, when I was thirteen, when I was fourteen and then I found out I was fifteen and then I turned sixteen-


*probably Omori*
**also this ones long**

Dream Hero: Oh hey, Kel! The shoes came in!

Dream Kel: *runs over and stares at the package* Oh, nice!

Omori: *flips knife* You guys wanna use knife?

Dream Hero: No dude, it's fine, I got keys~

Dream Kel: Yeah, we got it.

Omori: I got a knife, if you wanna use it.

Dream Kel: Don't-

Dream Hero: It's not big deal.

Dream Kel: Yeah. We're good.

Omori: Just got the knife here, so...

Dream Kel: It takes a second, keys work just fine.

Omori: *lifts knife* Y'know, I'll just take care of it real quick.

Dream Kel, Dream Hero & Omori: *all talking over each other whilst Omori casually slices the package open*


Dream Hero: Hey, want a Capri Sun?

Dream Aubrey: Mhm! Thanks!

Omori, in the distance: *flips knife* I can just whip that open for you.

Dream Aubrey: Whoa, whoa, whoa, no!

Omori: Just figured this'll make it a little faster. *walks over*

Dream Aubrey: Dude, no, I don't need a knife!

Omori: Just gonna get in there real qui-

Dream Aubrey: It's a juice package.

Dream Aubrey, Dream Hero and Omori: *even more talking over each other whilst Omori slices a freaking Capri Sun open*

Omori: Y'know what, *slice* There ya go, just saved you some time~

Dream Aubrey:

Dream Aubrey: Was that the last one?

Dream Hero: Yeah...

*later again*

Dream Basil, who decided to help Dream Aubrey and Hero clean up the spilt Capri Sun: We're gonna need more paper towels...

Dream Hero: Yeah I know...

Dream Aubrey: This is sticky, everywhere!

Omori: *yeets from where ever he was wielding the knife*

Dream Basil, Aubrey and Hero: *compilation of 'Hey!'s*

Dream Hero: LISTEN.

Omori: ._.

Dream Hero: We know you have a knife!

Omori: ._.

Omori: Do y-

Dream Hero: No.

Dream Hero: Put it away.

Dream Hero: We don't need a knife.

Dream Hero: If we need a knife, we'll ask.

Omori: Ok, sorry..

Omori: *slowly starts walking away*

Dream Hero:

Dream Hero: Aubrey, Basil, do you guys want sandwiches...?

Dream Basil: O-Oki...

Dream Aubrey: Yeah, sure.

Dream Hero: Ok. *goes to look for a kitchen knife to cut the bread... only to find... there are no knives*

Omori, who only walked about two feet away: *instantly whips around*

Dream Basil, Aubrey and Hero: *all stand in silence with no idea what to do*

Omori: *intensely staring them down*

Dream Basil:

Dream Basil: Um... I guess we cou-

Omori: *yeets the knife into the tree behind Basil*

Dream Basil: I-


Sunny: Bro, I was just playing, I barely even touched you!


Mari: Bro, you pushed me down the steps, you need to call an ambulance!

Sunny: But I was just playing, so does that really matter, no it doesn't-


Kel: *one day out of nowhere* Aubrey, it's been five years, you still owe me 16 dollars.




Aubrey: Screw off.


Kel, doing anything stupid: I'm freaking crazy...

Kel: But I'm free-


*it would happen if they were roommates, tell me othewise-*

Aubrey: *stares at her towel*

Aubrey: DANG IT!


Everyone: *runs in*

Basil: What's wrong Aubrey?

Kel: Yeah, what's up?

Aubrey: Is someone playing a joke on me...?

Aubrey: Honestly...

Aubrey: Why is my towel still damp?

Kel: Because that's not your towel.

Kel: That's my towel Aubrey.

Aubrey: Ugh, no it's not your towel, your towels the red one.

Kel: I'll tell you this pal, I've never used that, I do use that one, every single day.


Sunny: Oh god.

Basil, now hugging the unused towel that is either Kel's or Aubrey's: This one's so warm, it's like it's been in the sun forever! ^^

Sunny: This means you two have been cleaning yourselves with the same towel...

Basil: Intimate. :>


Kel: Whaddya mean am I-


Aubrey: Do you even wash it?

Kel: No I don't wash the towel, the towel washes me!

Kel: Who washes a towel?? XD

Basil: You never wash y-

Kel: You wash your towel?

Aubrey: You never wASH THE TOWEL?!


*basically me waking up and realizing that if Omori takes place in 2000, they would not all technically be 16 now...*

Auburn: You are 16, going on 17~

Everyone: Actually I'm 37-

Auburn: Wait-

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