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Julie Molina let out a small sigh as she stepped in front of her family's garage. She paused for a moment before finally bringing herself to open the doors. The Molina's family garage has been used as their mom's studio until she passed away around a year ago.

Once the doors were open Julie let out another sigh before turning the light on. She slowly walked over to the grand piano and removed the white sheet that coved it. She traced her fingers along the edge of it before sitting down on the bench.

"I'm so sorry, Mom. That I haven't been here," Julie said quietly before standing back up. She slowly walked over to the ladder that led to the loft in the room. Julie climbed up and looked around at all the instruments that had been sitting there since the Molina family moved in. Julie relaxed slightly when she noticed a CD laying on the floor, she carefully picked it up and brought it with her.

She opened the CD and placed the disk inside the stereo before pressing play. Julie sat down on the couch right as the disk began to play.

"One, Two, Three!" a boy yelled as a guitar riff began to play from the stereo. As the voices on the CD began singing Julie felt herself relax as she nodded along to the music. A few seconds later her mom's studio was filled with screams... The screaming only continued to get louder until three boys and one girl landed on the ground in front of Julie.

The four strangers coughed as they stood up and looked around the studio. It was clear that they hadn't noticed the Molina girl standing in front of them.

"Ow...okay that hurt." Sophia groaned as she laid dramatically on the floor.

"Whoa," Luke grunted as he stood up. "Whoa, how did we get back here?" He asked. Before anyone could answer his question Julie began screaming at the top of her lungs.

Sophia quickly jumped up from her spot on the floor her eyes going wide as she too started screaming and all of the boys started screaming seconds later. The four ghosts jumped towards each other as they continued screaming at the top of their lungs before they knew it they were holding onto each other and Julie was running out of the studio screaming like a maniac.

"Dad!" she shouted when she noticed her dad and younger brother Carlos walking towards the house.

"Whoa! Slow down," Ray said as he tried to calm his daughter down. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I have!"

"Cool," Carlos said in awe.

"Not cool!" Julie said as she began running towards her front door. " Run!" She yelled to her very confused father and brother before running up to her bedroom, screaming to entire way.

She ducked behind her bed and pulled out her phone, trying to get into contact with her best friend. "Come on Flynn. 911 means 911! Why aren't you answering me?" Julie whispered to herself as her eyes flicked between her bedroom window and her phone.

"Hey," Ray said as he stepped into Julies room."Just wanted to make sure you were ok."

"You don't believe me, do you?" Julie asked

"honey of course I do," Ray stated "Mija, I see your mom all the time."

"This isn't like that," Julie claimed.

"I know. It's different for all of us," Ray added. He was talking about the process of grief while his daughter was thinking about how she saw four very real ghosts in mom's studio.

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