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"We're playing The Orpheum!" Luke said excitedly. "I can't even count how many bands have played here and then ended up being huge. " Sophia smiled and chuckled lightly at his friend's excitement. "We're gonna be legends! Eat up, guys. "Cause after tonight, everything changes." The words Luke said moments before their death rang through Sophia's head as she laid on the couch. No one had been in the studio for a while leaving the girl alone with her thoughts. As she decided she wanted to find Luke so she poofed out of the studio looking for him.

Once school was over Julie walked over to Luke's old house. She was going to give Luke's parents a song that Luke had written before he died. Right as Julie was about to ring the doorbell two bodys poofed in next to her making her pull her hand away from the doorbell.

"Luke! Sophia!" Julie exclaimed with wide eyes. She knew there wasn't any explanation for her being at his old house other than the truth, and part of her was worried Luke would be upset.

"What are you doing here?" Luke questioned both the girls.

"Okay, look. I... I just wanted to know more about you, you know, just curious. Um. Julie stumbled over her words, barely letting herself look at the ghost in front of her.

"So, I came here last week on your birthday."

"You were spying on me?" Luke asked

"Even after all your speeches about boundaries? You were spying on me?"

"I know. I'm sorry. It was wrong. But I'm worried about you."

"You don't have to be," Luke told her. "I get it. I know how hard it is when you want to speak to someone you love and can't. I feel that way every day." "I don't even know what I'd say to her, even if she could hear me." Sophia went over to Luke giving him a hug.


"Yes, you do. You've already said it," Julie explained making Luke's eyebrows knit together.

"Trust me." Luke sighed then stepped over to the doorbell ringing it for Julie, a moment later the door opened revealing Luke's dad.

"Hello. Can I help you?" Luke's dad asked in a confused tone as he looked at the girl on his front porch.

"Hi. I'm Julie. Um... I believe you had a son named Luke," Julie said cautiously.

"Yes, that's right. And you are again?"

"Julie Molina. Um.. your son's band used to play in my family's garage?" Julie told him but he didn't seem to understand why Julie had come to visit him. "I... I came across this song that he wrote and I figured you might be interested?"

"Um..." Luke's dad froze for a moment, not knowing what to say. "Well, yes. Uh, please. please come in. I'm I'm Mitch.

"Nice to meet you," Julie said as she walked into the house. She turned to look at Sophia and Luke waiting for him to walk through the open door. As soon as he and Sophia were inside Julie carefully closed the door.


"Can I, um, get you something?" Mitch asked

"Oh, no. I'm good. Thank you." As Julie walked further into the house she noticed a picture sitting on the table and she immediately smiled at it. "Is this your son?"

"Yeah, that's Luke," Mitch told her, not knowing that his son was standing right behind Julie. "When he was two," he added.

"Do you have any other children?" Julie asked.

"No," Mitch answered right as a woman walked into the living room. Julie froze for a second. Now that Luke's mom was actually in front of her she knew she was doing the right thing. Not only for Luke but for his parents too.

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