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"Hey, everybody!" Nick shouted through the microphone making everyone in the gym looked at him. "We fixed the hologram thing. Who wants to see a show?" Everyone in the gym began cheering as Julie's eyes went wide in disbelief. "Now.. give it up.... For Julie and the Phantoms!" Everyone cheered as Julie awkwardly walked out onto the stage. Nick handed her the microphone before he ran off the stage.

"Uh. Hi." Julie waved as some of the people in the crowd laughed. "So here's the thing even though we got the machine fixed, thanks to Nick..." Julie pointed to Nick and the crowd as everyone began cheering for the boy. "I can't seem to link up with the guys. WiFi am I right? I'm sorry, but.... I'm gonna have to cancel."

"What?" The crowd shouted in disappointment making Julie feel even worse than she already did.

"Uhm.. anybody know the Heimlich? Julie's choking," Carrie said, earning a laugh from the crowd. "Only one way to save this dance," Carrie said as she walked onto the stage and took the microphone.

"Who wants to see Dirty Candy?" The crowd immediately began cheering but Flynn quickly reached in front of the girl and snapped the knob out of place.

"Oops, the knob's broken," Flynn laughed.

"Okay, two can play at this game," Carrie said under her breath. "Party at my house!" she announced, earning more cheers from the crowd as everyone began walking to the doors. Carried dropped the microphone in front of the two girls before walking off the stage.

Flynn wrapped her arm around Julie's shoulders as the two of them began walking over to the stairs. "Well, that kinda backfired," Flynn commented as the two of them watched the new kid walked over to a girl and led her out to the dance floor.

"Oh, I mean, the whole night wasn't a bust. The new guy found someone." They both smiled as the pair began dancing. "Little man has game!"


"Oh, pizza! Man, I missed you!" Luke said excitedly.

"Reg, are you kissing that meatball sub?" Alex asked making Sophia look over at Reggie with a very amused look on her face. All attention suddenly turned on Reggie, whose eyes went wide as he looked up from the sub. "It's what you do with the things you love," he reasoned.

"I um.. I'll be back," Sophia said, then stood up without saying another word.

The boys watched her walk away, all of them noticing a blonde boy who pulled her out of their sight. Luke went to stand up and bring Sophia back to the table but Alex pulled him back into his seat.

"She doesn't need you to protect her," Alex said quietly and Luke pulled his arm away from the blonde boy.

"I take it you're all enjoying the feast," Caleb said from up on the stage.

"Yeah!" the crowd shouted as all of them turned their attention onto Caleb.

"So many delicious sights, so many tantalizing sounds. But... your eyes still hunger for more." Caleb said as he walked around the stage. "Something sweet. Something savory. How many newcomers do we have at the club tonight?"

As a few people began raising their hands Willie nudged Alex who then raised his hand along with Reggie and Luke.

"Ladies, let's show our guests how we do dessert. A one, two, three, four" he shouted as the band began playing again. All the dancers stood up and began dancing on the dance floor while Caleb started singing.


"Shoo bada papa roo bada bada

Hey, um bum bum bum bum baram, hey!

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