Chapter 1

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It was an exceptionally rainy day when Jungwon entered the Cafe. His usual perfectly, blown-out chocolate hair was now stuck to his forehead drenched by the rain. His once baby blue hoodie became a dark grey and his shoes made a loud squeak as he walked. Like Jungwon, many people entered the cafe to escape the rain, so no one noticed the uncomfortable noises his clothes made. Most of the time people didn't notice him unless they looked long enough to notice his beauty. However, unlike most days Jungwon felt a pair of eyes on him.

The cafe was dimly lit with orange overhead lights and electric lamps enhancing the warm atmosphere. A playlist consisting of stereotypical coffee house music played in the background. Today, the majority of customers ordered large cups of hot coffee while those who were lucky to make it in before the rain ordered their usual iced Americanos. One side of the cafe was furnished with candle-lit booths while the other was filled with wicker chairs and wooden tables. The booths usually held couples or best friends engaging in deep conversation, however, at the booth in the corner sat a man transfixed on Jungwon as he entered the cafe.

Unlike Jungwon, Jay was always noticed no matter what he did. His protruding jawline and deep eyes paired with a fierce gaze were no help. What made him attractive was not his mysterious persona, it was his lack of awareness for his own beauty that was. Jay, more than anything, didn't like being noticed. So whenever admired, he assumes they're looking right past him although their eyes follow his every move. Over time, he got used to it and soothed his anxiety about wandering eyes in books. But to his surprise, he became the wandering eyes he feared.

Whenever he heard the cafe door jingle, Jay always looked up from his book out of habit. He always went back to his book as quickly as looked away from it. However, this time when he looked up, he took notice of a young man he assumed was around his age. Jay first saw his eyes, then looked down at his nose, and then the rest of his face. As soon as he was finished taking in all the details of his face, he went back and studied it again. Stop being creepy, is what Jay thought. But part of him couldn't stop. He wasn't sure if it was the young man's cat-like eyes or button nose that transfixed him or his magnetic presence that did. Either way, Jay wanted to talk to him and find out his name.

After Jungwon ordered his hot chocolate and waited for the barista to call his name, he finally identified the pair of eyes he felt on him. It was a young man at the corner of the cafe sitting alone at a booth. Once they made eye contact, Jungwon expected the man to look away out of awkwardness but that didn't seem to bother him. Jungwon also expected himself to look away but didn't notice himself staring back until the barista called his name. "Sorry, Thank you", he said. Quickly, he realized all the tables and booths were full, it was still storming outside, and he clearly didn't have an umbrella. But as he looked up at the corner booth again, the young man from before signaled Jungwon to him by patting the table and smirking.

"Hey", Jungwon said. "Hey, want to join me?", Jay asked with a smirk. "Are you sure? I don't want to bother you", Jungwon said. "Don't worry I don't mind. Besides I could use some company", Jay said. So Jungwon sat down and tried his hardest not to make his wet pants squeak as he awkwardly squeezed in.

"What are you reading?", Jungwon asked. "Norwegian Wood", Jay replied. "Who's it by?", Jungwon continued. Jay flipped the book to show him. "Some Japanese author. I've been reading his other books too and they're pretty good so far", Jay replied. Jungwon, unsure of how to respond, stayed silent and nodded his head. "Do you read?"Jay asked. "I used to as a kid. But I think school ruined it for me, I can't seem to find any books that interest me anymore", Jungwon said. "If you want, I can give you my number and recommend some you might like", Jay said. "How do you know what I like? We just met". "How about you tell me more about yourself and if I find a book you like, you'll let me take you out?", suddenly Jungwon felt his foot brush up against Jay's and quickly pulled away. "Sorry", Jungwon said. "Don't be", Jay replied.

For several hours, Jay and Jungwon spoke about everything that came to mind. They both learned they were attending the same university and had several mutual friends. Jay usually found it hard to connect with someone he just met but with Jungwon he found his guard going down before they even spoke. Jungwon, who was initially intimidated by Jay, also found himself surrendering to their apparent connection and lost himself in the intense eyes of the other. 

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