Chapter 12

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When Jay woke up the next morning, he made sure to search the room for Jungwon. Despite Jay staying up till 4 in the morning, waiting for Jungwon, the latter never seemed to have made it back. Jay knew Jungwon needed time to think things over but a simple text message letting him know he was alive would have been nice. As he looked in the bathroom, Jay noticed a damp towel. So he did make it back, Jay thought to himself.

"C'mon Jay we're leaving in 15 minutes", Jake yelled through the door while knocking. "I'll meet you guys downstairs!", he replied.

While walking down the lobby stairs, Jay spotted the group sitting together and talking. They were all conversing like normal except for Niki, who was glaring at Sunghoon, Sunoo couldn't stop staring at his feet shyly, and Jungwon whose cheeks were swollen after crying the whole night. All Jay wanted to do was turn back time to the beginning of the trip and do it all over again.

"Jay's here! Let's go!", Heeseung said. Today was the final day of their trip and their only free day. This was their opportunity to do and see anything they wanted before they had to go back to Seoul. Knowing this, Jay had to make things right with Jungwon before the day was over. "What are we doing by the way?"Niki asked. "I'm glad you asked! We have 3 options. One, we can go shopping in Shibuya. Two, we can go sightseeing in Kyoto. Three, we can visit the waterfalls in Kobe. Or we can split up according to who would rather do what", Heeseung said.

"I want to go shopping!", Sunoo said.

"I'll go with him!"Niki and Sunghoon said in unison.

"Perfect! I want to go sightseeing, Heeseung said.

"I'll go with you!"Jake replied.

"Then if they're okay with it, Jay and Jungwon can go to Kobe", Jake continued.

Before Jungwon could protest, Jay agreed on their behalf and bought their train tickets.

The train ride from Tokyo to Kobe was roughly 2 and a half hours of silence and tension between the pair. Jay attempted to speak to Jungwon multiple times but nothing seemed to work. Jay tried to look past this and enjoy the ride but knowing he hurt Jungwon only made him furious with himself. Arriving at Shin-Kobe Station, after hearing the arrival announcement Jungwon shot out of his seat and practically ran off the train. Jay had to sprint and push past multiple crowds to catch up to him.

Their taxi ride to Kobe's Nunobiki Park was just as tense. Neither of them spoke and instead stared out of their respective windows hoping the other would speak first. Once they arrived, Jay thanked and paid the driver as Jungwon slammed the door. The hike to the nearest waterfall was at least half an hour. Knowing this, Jay said a prayer and followed quickly behind Jungwon.

"I think this is it", Jungwon said.

"It looks just like I imagined", Jay whispered to himself.

After taking a few pictures of the waterfall, Jay laid out a picnic blanket from his bag along with some snacks he took from the hotel's breakfast lounge while Jungwon went on a small walk nearby. He also took out a small bouquet of roses he bought for Jungwon the night before and waited till he came back.

The sun was beginning to set when Jungwon came back. Jay was practically drenched in sweat from anticipation anxiety and nervously rubbed his hands once Jungwon faced him.

"I know you don't want to talk to me and I know I deserve it but since the moment I met you, I wanted to take you here but most of all I wanted to tell you how much you fucking matter to me Jungwon. You barely know me and I hardly know you but I don't want this to end. You don't have to say anything but I just couldn't stand us never speaking again without telling you how I feel" Jay said tearfully.

Before Jay had the chance to let his tears fall, Jungwon ran over to him and hugged Jay. "I'm sorry", Jay said in between cries. "No, I'm sorry, Jungwon replied. Once Jungwon heard Jay's cries stop, he cupped his face in his hands and kissed him gently. "I love you", Jungwon whispered. "I love you too", Jay replied.

Once the sun had set, Jungwon suggested they start heading back to the hotel to prevent worrying the group. "C'mon let's stay longer, I'm sure Sunoo is going to be running around Shibuya all night eating pastries and I told Heeseung that we're doing okay," Jay said. "But, what are we gonna do? It's pitch blackout". "What about... Skinny dipping?" Jay replied. "Are you crazy? The water's probably freezing!" Jungwon exclaimed. "Suit yourself but I'm going in".

Jay quickly began undressing while Jungwon turned around in shock. "Are you crazy?!" Jungwon yelled. Jay screamed, "move out of the way!" Before cannonballing into the water. When Jungwon approached the water to make sure Jay was okay, he came out of the water and pulled Jungwon in. "Oh my God, it's freezing!". Instead of replying, Jay began splashing Jungwon while laughing hysterically. "I hate you!" Jungwon said jokingly. Before he could say anything else, Jay pressed himself against Jungwon's drenched white tee-shirt while they kissed each other slowly. 

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