Chapter 11

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"Jungwon stop! Please!" Jay said, catching his breath. They were now in the hotel's garden, only two street lamps providing the light.

"I promise that was not what it looked like"


"Jungwon. I swear to you that Sunghoon and I have nothing going on. He's just a friend-"

"That you barely know!", Jungwon yelled.

"Yes! That's my point!"

"Then why are you obsessed with him?!"

"What do you mean obsessed?!"

"This trip was our chance to get closer but the whole time you two have been all over each other!"

"So that's what this is about?"


"You're jealous"

"Okay, we are not making this about me"

"No no no, 'cause that's what's wrong. Why didn't you tell me you felt jealous?"

"Cause I didn't think there was anything I should be jealous about but clearly you gave me a reason"

"Jungwon. Sunghoon just wanted me to show him how to flirt, I promise."


"It's because he has a crush on Sunoo! He wanted to show him he's interested!"

"What? We all know Niki is the one with the crush on Sunoo"

"I know! I was shocked too! I know I barely know him but I think I could be good friends with him. I just wanted to help him. Don't you trust me?"

"I don't know anymore", Jungwon said tearfully before leaving Jay in the garden alone.

Back at the hotel room, Sunoo and Sunghoon stared at each other in disbelief as they pulled away from their kiss. "Well, that was weird...." Heeseung said while standing at the doorway with Jake and Niki. Hearing this, Sunoo pushed Sunghoon away and asked, "what did you guys see??". "Nothing. Just you two staring at each other for an unhealthy amount of time. Why? Did something happen?", Heeseung replied. "No, Nothing!" Sunoo and Sunghoon said in unison. "You guys are so weird", Heeseung said to himself. With that, Sunoo and Sunghoon looked at each other and blushed. But what they didn't notice was a fuming Niki who saw everything. 

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