Chapter 5

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Once they arrived at the on-campus dance studio, Sunoo, Jake, and Jungwon greeted Heeseung who was talking to their mutual friend and dance teacher for the night, Niki. It had been a while since they'd seen each other since Niki was an international student from Japan and went home often.

After catching up for a while, Niki started off the class with warmups while Make a Wish by NCT was playing in the background. More people than expected had shown up which made Niki happy and his friends proud. Fifteen minutes had passed and warmups were finally wrapping up. But before the last song ended, Jungwon heard the door creak open. At first, he thought he was hallucinating but when Jay bowed to Niki in apology for being late and made eye contact with him, Jungwon knew he wasn't hallucinating.

Jay then stood at the empty spot next to Jungwon and smiled a hello. Jungwon's face was so red that he was embarrassed to smile back. So instead, he bowed lightly and made Sunoo and Heeseung cackle at his flustered behavior. "Alright, so it looks like we don't have enough girls for every guy to have a partner so can I get a male volunteer to partner up with a guy for this routine", Niki said. Heeseung nudged Jungwon to volunteer but before he could muster up the courage to do it, Jay raised his hand. "We can," Jay said while pointing to Jungwon and himself. great, Jungwon thought to himself, I better not embarrass myself. 

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