Chapter 10

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A few days had passed since the group arrived in Japan. The first two days were filled with sightseeing, hiking through trails, and historical monuments. The more time they spent together, the closer they all felt to each other. Sunghoon, who was new to the group, seemed as though he knew them for years. He was especially close to Jay and found himself opening up to him about everything. "Hey, can I talk to you once we get back to the hotel?" Sunghoon asked Jay. "Sure, is everything okay?". "Yeah, I just need your advice for something", Sunghoon replied.

After arriving at the hotel, they separated from the group and headed to Sunghoon's hotel room. Noticing this, Jungwon couldn't help but feel a little jealous. This trip was a chance for Jay and him to become closer, but all Jay could focus on was Sunghoon. Jungwon usually shook these feelings off, but he couldn't help becoming angry.

"So what'd you wanna talk to me about?" Jay asked. Sunghoon nervously rubbed his neck and took a deep breath, "Uh... I- How do I say this? Mmmm... I think I might like Sunoo", Sunghoon said.

"What?! Really?!",

"I THINK. I'm not 100% sure yet"

"Only someone who's sure says that", Jay said with a smirk.

"Okay, I do like him"

"That's great!!! What are you gonna do now?"

"I'm not sure... That's why I need your advice"

"Well... You're handsome and nice so I don't know where I could help"

"I just don't know how to... Ya know"


"Yeah! I see you and Jungwon and you're so good at it."

"Okay, I'm gonna teach you a trick or two but don't tell anyone about this"

"I promise!", Sunghoon said.

As their conversation continued, Jay and Sunghoon were too distracted to notice their room's door cracked open. "I'm sure you're just paranoid Jungwon", Sunoo said. "Look, if they were up to no good they would've at least closed the door. C'mon on'' Sunoo said after grabbing Jungwon's hand. "See! They're just-", but before Sunoo could finish, Jay's arms were wrapped around Sunghoon's neck and their faces were only centimeters apart.

"I knew it", Jungwon said before running out of the room. "Jungwon! Shit. Jungwon!" Jay exclaimed, running after him. "What the hell were you guys doing!" Sunoo yelled.

"It's not what it looks like I swear!"


"Yes, I swear-"

"Why would you guys? UGH. You know they're dating why would you-"


"You're sick."

"No! That's not what I meant!"

"Then what do you mean?!"

"I can't tell you."

"You guys are unbelievable", Sunoo scoffed.

"I know this looks really bad but I swear Jay and I have nothing going on"

"How am I supposed to believe you after what I saw?"


"Because what?"

"Because... I like you!", Sunghoon exclaimed.


Before Sunoo could say anything else, Sunghoon grabbed his waist and pulled him into a kiss. 

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