Chapter 2

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"Little Dove wake up," said a now frightened Marcel as he held his daughter in his hand. Realizing she's unconscious he picked her up and vamp sped to her room.

"Thierry," he shouted.

"Yes Marcel," said Thierry but he got shocked to see the bloody person on the bed.

"Is that Dove, is she ok?" asked a now worried and panic stricken Thierry.

"I don't know she just appeared like this please go the family doctor and then you and Katy to get Agnes right now," he said as he shouted the last part when mentioning the witch.

He didn't even wait for Marcel to say anything else as he sped out of the compound leaving the vampire king who went for clothes and a wet rag as he cleaned his daughter and changed her into some comfortable clothes.

Removing the bloody shirt he realized that she's naked underneath and had cuts and bite marks on her thigh. Shaking with anger Marcel threw the closest thing near him which was a vase out the door as it shattered into small pieces.

After cleaning her, he place the still unconscious in one of his tee-shirts and a sweat pants. He then sat next to her as he brushed the strands of hair out her way and kissed her forehead before saying everything will be alright.

Afterwards Thierry came back with a man dresses in a white coat with a stethoscope around his neck. "Hello Mr Gerard I am doctor Adams and I'm here to see the patient. Could you all please exit the room?" he asked as Thierry dragged a resistant Marcel out of the room before closing the door.

"Where is Doctor Smith," he asked.

"I am sorry but Doctor Smith was performing surgery so he asked me to go in his place," replied Adams.

"Marcel we are here," said Katie dragging the witch.

Hearing Katie's voice both vampires sped down the stairs as Marcel rushed towards Agnes and held her in a chokehold.

"Tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now," said Marcel as he looked at the dark skinned witch.

"I gave you the privilege to use your magic, I ensured you could live and all you had to do was watch my daughter who is now upstairs on her filled with cuts and bite marks."

Turning to the lovers he said,"Go and find the fucker who bit my daughter and don't return until you do."

As they were about to leave he said," Oh and Katie you have twenty four hours."

After they left he released Agnes who claimed that she didn't know how it happened that Ophelia went to the dance studio this morning because she had to practice for the parade that's in two days. He told her to go home after telling one of his vampires to watch her closely.

He then went back upstairs just as the doctor came out of the room holding his head down.

"Doctor how is she?" he asked.

"Mr Gerard I am going to be honest with you," started the doctor.

"It seems she was attacked by a vampire five hours ago. He drank from her neck, wrist and thigh she.....she."

"What is it?" he shouted.

"There are bruised on her wrist and legs and she..... there were signs of sexual assault."

"So your saying a vampire not only forcefully fed from my daughter but he r*ped her as well?" asked Marcel.

"Yes Mr Gerard."

"Alright you may leave."

After collecting his thoughts, he went inside the room he saw her lying on the bed asleep as he heard her steady heart beat. Biting his wrist he fed the young girl his blood as he saw her injuries start to heal.

Grabbing a chair he brought it beside the bed as he sat down and held the brown haired girl's hand as he gave it a kiss. Tears start to fall from his eyes as he began talking.

"You know little Dove I remember the day I found you-"


It was one of those nights in New Orleans where the St. James Infirmary, a jazz club was once again lively as ever. Sitting on one of the stools as he drank his bourbon thinking about life which was funny to him seeing as he was a vampire. It's been two years since he saved the young witch Davina and hid her from the French Quarters witches as well using her to get to them.

Deep in his thought, he didn't realize when Camille approached him and took his glass away.
"Old man need to get a love life,"said the blonde.

"Love life and Marcel should never go in one sentence," joked Thierry who just entered the bar. Looking at his sire, Thierry patted his back and said,"Don't worry we created a single vampire club for vampires like us."

"You guys are just awful,"said Marcel.

Taking the last sip of his bourbon he placed the glass down as he said with determination," You guys watch tonight I will get a girlfriend."

"Compelling one doesn't count,"shouted Thierry as he only received a middle finger from the departing vampire.

Walking down the road, Marcel kept pondering about the right girl out there for him when he suddenly smelled blood. Following the scent into an alleyway he heard the cries of a baby. Not wasting any time he vamp speed to the spot.

Arriving in a dark alley, Marcel spot the body of a lifeless bloody woman in a white floral dress and a green sweater all covered in blood. His senses still alert, he looked for where the sound of the crying baby is coming from.

Looking closely he realized that the crying was coming from under the woman's dress. Getting closer he realized that the woman was not only pregnant but also a tourist who unlucky ran into unsympathetic vampire.

From the look of it, he thought the shock of the attack might have cause the woman to give birth early. What is worse is that the vampire left the woman as she gave birth to her child and died of blood loss.

He is shocked as he wondered how the baby even survived in such a cold time on the ground. Looking at the woman, he whispered,"I am truly sorry for your death."

He then saw a bloody baby girl still attach to her umbilical cord. Taking a knife out of his back pocket he cut the cord as he took off his shirt and wrapped the baby in it.

As he was about to leave as he then turned back to the body and said," I know you didn't get to hold her but I know wherever you are you are happy. So in front of your body and spirit I shall name her Ophelia Richards (He looked at her ID and saw the mother's  last name.) but to me she will be little Dove."

Looking at the baby, he said,"Little Dove we are saying goodbye to your mommy." He then walked to his compound not wanting to hurt her as he realized the baby was now sleeping.

As he walked away the imagine of a brunette woman who like exactly like the dead one on the ground smiled as tears fell from her eyes. She then slowly disappeared now happy her daughter will be in good hands. Before vanishing she said, "My Ophelia."


A/N: I almost cried when I wrote this chapter. Sigh I hope you all like it

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