+ twelve +

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Violet’s eyes were peeled wide open. Unlike most nights she was able to sleep until 2am and then Michael would make everything all better by coming over and they would sleep together without a single disturbance. However this night it was different, her eyes were sunken and bloodshot from all the crying she’d done and she just lay on her bed, her body as stiff as a wooden floorboard, unable to fall asleep. She felt awful. Absolutely horrible for what she had said.

“What the hell was I thinking?” She murmured to herself, tugging on the ends of her hair, groaning. She decided she had to go over, if he didn’t wish to listen to what she had to say that was fine, heck she deserved it, but she needed to get it out for her own sanity (at least what little sanity she had left). She stepped onto her balcony as she was, in some dorky monkey pyjama shorts which didn’t fit her grungy aesthetic whatsoever and a loose black t-shirt; at the moment she could care less if she was wearing a garbage bag, she just needed to apologise to Michael. Her bare feet came in contact with the cold, wet concrete flooring but it didn’t really faze her at this point in time.  

The backdoor was open but Michael wasn’t on his balcony, which she found odd but she knocked on the glass door numerous times regardless, but there was no answer. Violet sighed, “Michael… I need to talk to you, please let me in,” she pleaded, trying to sound the least desperate as she could. Five minutes passing and still no reply started to make her feel more anxious than she already was so she took matters into her own hands and went inside cautiously.

Michael? Hello?” She called, hugging her arms to her torso a little uncomfortably, she felt weird just barging into his apartment without invitation. The kitchen bench was stacked with empty boxes of pizza and ice cream cartons but apart from that everything looked as if it hadn’t been touched in weeks. His apartment felt really empty and smelt of alcohol, though she couldn’t quite put her finger on what kind just yet.

“Michael I just need to talk to you quickly,” Violet repeated, "and then I'll leave you alone." She wearily walked through Michael’s room and into his bathroom, her eyes travelling down to the floor where she finally found him sat, a half empty bottle of vodka by his side and dry tear stains on his cheeks. 

When he looked up at her he hiccupped, placing a hand over his mouth as he giggled. “Oh hi Vi.”

“I uh-- Since when do you drink straight vodka?” She asked, sighing a little, giving him a sad smile before setting herself down beside him.

“Since today,” he replied, patting her knee and then laying his head in her lap. She twisted strands of his hair in her fingers, remembering the reason she was there in the first place, but not knowing how exactly to put in words everything she wanted to say to him.

“Look, I know I've really messed up but I just came here to apologise," she sighed, looking up at him sincerely, her eyes glassy. "I’m so sorry about what I said today Michael, at the coffee shop, I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that.” Michael shook his head against her legs, finally sitting up.

“No it’s-- okay, I wasn’t mad at you, just upset about um-- well I should’ve told you about her a long time ago,” he replied, stammering occasionally before taking another gulp of vodka. Violet could tell he had a lot more than just half of that bottle to drink, either that or he didn’t drink often and his tolerance was really low. And it was really starting to concern her so she discreetly grabbed the bottle and brought it to her side, the side furthest from Michael.

“I do wish you would’ve told me, but I get it. I should’ve just waited for you to tell me when and if you were ever ready y’know? I just can’t believe I was such a cow about it,” Violet admitted guiltily, looking over at him, an apologetic expression on her face.

“You were a cow,” Michael nodded, “but it is okay, I can’t stay mad at you anyway, you’re too pretty,” he whispered, not really noticing much what he was saying but what he did say made Violet’s cheeks heat up. When he looked over at her he smiled, running a hand through his messy hair. He opened his mouth to speak, “Does this mean we’re okay now-- like, like no more fighting?” He looked at her hopefully, something adorable almost twinkling in his green eyes.

“Yeah I hope so, I’d really like that,” she replied, offering him a genuine smile before putting her head on his shoulder and sighing contently. Sure, they still had things to sort out in the morning, but for now she just wanted to cuddle with drunken Michael and enjoy herself until all the serious stuff needed to happen.

“So…” He said out of the blue after a while, taking her hand gently and intertwining their fingers.

“So?” Violet questioned, giggling a little.

“Soo for the record,” He started, hiccupping a little, before looking her right in the eyes and continuing, “Would you give me a hand job under your parents’ dinner table?

“Michael!” She scoffed, slapping him on the arm making him giggle (yes, giggle). “I only said something so scandalous just to get your attention.”

“But it is a yes, riight?” He asked smirking, playfully. She rolled her eyes in response, taking the bottle of vodka in her hand and chugging down some of the liquid, the alcohol burning her throat instantly before turning to him. 

“It’s a maybe at best, if you’re lucky mate,” she said, imitating his Australian accent, pointing to him and attempting a straight face causing them both to laugh. “Now can we get off the bathroom floor, I’m freezing?” Violet asked seriously, her lips actually a purple shade from how cold she was, her small pyjama shorts probably being to blame.

“Okay, yeah.” They both lifted themselves up to their feet and moved to the bedroom where they collapsed tiredly, wrapped up in each other, just embracing one and other tenderly. And that’s how they fell asleep that night.

Word count: 1121 :-)

☾ ☾

longer than usual chapter woo

i just wanted them to be chill for a little while 

aren't they sooO cute tho, relationship goals

&& thanks for everyone who's still reading btw

love you lots jellytots xx

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