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I used to come here when I was little with my dad,” Violet said, turning her head to meet Michael’s emerald green eyes and his warm smile. “At least once a week we’d come and sit right on this hill and watch the sun go down,” She smiled to herself at the memory, oh how she missed those times.

“Did something happen… to him?” Michael spoke, breaking the silence, his voice quiet, afraid that the question he asked might cause the girl he started to develop small feelings for to start crying. She looked up, tearing her fixed gaze away from the sunset and locked her eyes with his once more before shaking her head, a small smile tugging at her rosy lips.

Oh no no no. He’s still alive, I just don’t see him anymore, since I moved out and all,” She explained, her voice trailing off at the end. The wind began to pick up a little, blowing strands of her dark hair over and around her face and so he brought a hand up to her cheek before tucking a strand behind her petite ear. When they looked at each other, something sparked up in the two, something they couldn’t even describe but they both shook it off. Another gust of wind blew sending little goose-bumps down her exposed shoulders.

“Cold?” The boy said reading her mind, his arms immediately pulling his checker flannel off himself before handing it to her. He was surprised when she accepted it straight away, most girls would have been reluctant and made up some ridiculous excuse like that they weren’t that cold, but she didn’t and that seemed to fascinate the boy.

“Thank-you,” She breathed softly and Michael gave her a faint nod, his small smile not leaving his face. He seemed to do that a lot since he met her, smile. He ran a hand through his light brown hair before adjusting his black beanie further down his head, the absence of his flannel causing the wind to hit him harder than before.

“We should probably get going; it’s getting pretty dark out.” He said, getting up on his feet before reaching out his arm for her to take and pulling her up onto her feet.

The pair walked together all the way to their apartment. The two stood there, an awkward yet comforting silence between them. Violet fiddled with her set of keys in her thin fingers, her thoughts debating whether she should just invite him in or wait.

“I better be going, I’ll see you soon.” The boy said, breaking the silence causing Violet’s head to snap up, her eyes meeting his. She nodded, agreeing before pushing open her front door, and leaning against it. She wasn’t tired, she knew that, he knew that and neither was he because in the next room he stood in the same position, his back pressed against the door the one girl’s face replaying in his head. Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted when knocking vibrated through the door, shaking him slightly. Slightly, his mind laughed, he almost jumped out of his skin. He smoothed down his shirt and ran a hand through his hair before turning the door knob only to be faced with her.

"Violet," He breathed, slightly taken back making her giggle softly. He noticed in her hand she held his checker flannel but she made no reference to it and he thought maybe she had forgotten why she knocked on his door in the first place. She shifted her weight from foot to foot awkwardly, personally Michael thought it was adorable. He heard her huff before bringing the hand she held the checker flannel up to her head, probably about to run a hand through her hair, but the shirt fell to the ground and her face lit up instantly, finally remembering what she was on his doorstep for in the first place.

"Sorry um.. yeah, this is yours." She said, handing him the shirt, her cheeks heating up, a rosy shade making it's way up. 


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author's note 

hope you guy's enjoyed this

i know it's been forever since i last updated,

school's been a lot harder this year

but enjoy 

look at michael in the gif 


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