2:00 am ➸ clifford au

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She tossed and turned in her bed, a bead of sweat forming at her small forehead. She didn't need to check the time, for she already knew. Every night she would wake up at the same time, 2 am. She swung her legs over the bed, her bare feet coming in contact with the cold wooden floorboards. She winced slightly, her button nose scrunching up as the cold wind hit her. Her woolen sweater hung on her flimsy bed head, she felt her fingers unstiffen at just the sight. The sweater hung loosely on her petite frame. Her feet pattered against the cold tiles as she moved. She didn't know where she was going, but she knew it was no use staying in her bed if she couldn't sleep. 

She made her way to the small balcony outside her flat, she sat on the chair, gazing at the view, though there wasn't much to look at; besides buildings upon buildings. She rubbed her eyes, not out of tiredness, no, it was more of a habit, she was so used to not sleeping it was almost apart of her. She felt someone else's presence and almost screamed when she saw there was a boy sitting in the seat next to her. He looked much familiar to the girl, his blonde hair tousled, like he had been tossing and turning. She could see the dark bags under his dull green eyes, much like hers. 

"Can't sleep either?" The girl asked the boy causing him to half smile, she then remembered why he looked familiar, he was her neighbour. She never had been one to remember names, especially not neighbours whom she barely ever saw, besides departing in and out of her paltry apartment. She racked her brain for any trace of his name; Mike, perhaps? 

"No, I always wake up at this time." He replied, his husky morning voice sent delightful shivers down the girls spine while the boy gawked at the girl, he wondered how a girl could be so beautiful. He had seen her many times before, although he never noticed how gorgeous a shade of brown her eyes were, or how angelic her voice was; and for some reason, he wasn't quite sure himself why, but he wanted nothing more than to kiss her right then. 

"So do I, every night at 2 am exactly." The girl answers, her hands finding their way her dark brown, almost black shoulder length hair, fingering the ends lightly. The boys eyes widened slightly, she woke up at the same time as him. Suddenly an idea popped into the boys head, an idea that would help the both of them, but the boy knew deep inside that maybe he just wanted to become closer with her. He turned and smiled lightly at the girl.

"Maybe we could help each other."

2:00 am ➸ clifford auWhere stories live. Discover now