Lost And Found

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Balloon's POV:

Fan and I walked for miles. As it turns out, the lab was located in the middle of nowhere, making our journey home a lot harder.

It was also pitch black out, and ocassionally Fan, who was leading the way, would let out a small yelp due to tripping over a rock or a tree root.

We continued walking through the dense forest and eventually made it to a small clearing.

"Let's take a rest here..." Fan said, sitting down on the soft green grass.

I laid down next to him and stared at the sky, which was visible from the clearing.

"It's been forever since I saw the stars." I sighed.

The sky was speckled with small lights that seemed endless.

It was beautiful and calming.

Fan laid down as well and stared at the sky. He smiled to himself.

We were both relieved to be out of there, but the weight was not yet off of our chests.

We still had to go back and free everyone else.

We couldn't just leave them there.

"Maybe we should sleep for a bit. Theres not much of a chance that anyone will find us way out here." Fan said quietly, as not to disturb the peace.

I nodded in agreement.

Fan rolled over and almost instantly fell asleep.

I chuckled a bit when I heard him sleep talking, but decided to try and keep quiet.

It was still a bit uncomfortable sleeping on the ground, but it was a lot better than the metal floor of that lab.

The grass was soft and lush. I ran my hands through it.

It was surprisingly warm out.

I sighed and closed my eyes, letting the chirping of the crickets lul me to sleep.

Honestly, I didn't want to go back home.

There wasn't anything there waiting for me, nobody even seemed to care that I was gone.

I would rather just stay in the forest, where nobody was there to judge me.

No loud noises of the city, or honking of cars, just the soft rustling sound of the leaves and the chirping of crickets, and the birds in the morning.

Though, the thought also made me feel unbearable lonliness.

That reminded me of Suitcase, who probably doesn't even remember me by now.

I miss her...

Maybe going home would be best. Best for Fan at least.

He seems dead set on seeing his friend again and getting help from the others. I wouldn't want to leave him to do that alone.

Like everyone else left me.

Suddenly I heard rustling behind me.

It shook me to my core.

I slowly turned around, praying it wasn't a MePhone or Cobs.

Animals didn't really bother me at this point.

I shook Fan awake, grabbed his hand, and rushed to hide in a bush.

He looked shocked and confused.

"What's goi-" Fan whispered before I shushed him.

We both watched anxiously.

Suddenly, someone stepped out of the bushes.

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