Chapter 5

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5 weeks have pasted and Ashely was fitting in perfectly at her school. I, on the other hand, was finding it hard to leave my friends and family behind. I loved my new apartment and believe me, I loved LA but I missed back home, mostly Jake. We often skyped, but it wasn't the same as seeing him everyday.

It was early July and I was still very upset that I missed graduation and prom. Since I was a little girl, I always dreamt of dancing with my special someone at my prom and I didn't even get to go because of this whole music business.

Lately, I've been in the studio 24/7 and doing small performances throughout the state of California, to build my name; my schedule is ridiculous, I barely get any sleep. To top it all off, I haven't spoken to Jake in two weeks! Two whole freaking weeks! That's a long time for us to go without talking to one another. I miss him and Ashely so much sometimes I even wish that I could give it all up to go back to my normal routine.

On the brighter side of things, I am (kind of) getting used to my new lifestyle, I've met a lot of A-listing celebrities which was freaking awesome. I met Rihanna last week. How many people can say they've hung out and talked to Rihanna!?

"You have a meeting this morning with your producers, a tiny meet and greet with Conner after that, and an appointment at the studio with him later." Sarah tells me, reading it all from her phone.

"Ok, now leave me so I can get ready." I giggle as I close my room door. Sarah Field, Donald's wife, is one of the most stringent people I know. She's my manager and basically mom on the road. She's super uptight, almost never smiles, and wears her hair in a slicked back bun, every single day. Sometimes she's fun to be around, and by fun I mean she lets me have one piece of candy when she's in a good mood. But, contrary to that gruesome depiction of her, she is one of the best managers in the game, so to speak. She's gotten me more gigs than I can imagine and she always has my best interest in mind.

I stand at the entrance of my walk in closet and look at all the colorful assortments of my clothing hanging from the racks. I love having a walk-in closet, it's just so precious to me. I decide to put on a tight, black crop top, high waist skinny jeans, with red lipstick. A nude colored bow holding back my curled hair with nude heels. "I'm ready, Sar." I smile prancing towards my front door. "Sarah. It's Sarah." She mumbles, shaking her head, still looking on her phone.

"Good morning, Frank!" I sing as I climb into the car. Frank is my 6'7, body building, security guard. "Miss. Holmes." He addresses me. "Frank." Sarah says monotonously, climbing in next to me. "Sarah," he answers, in the exact same way. I ship Sarah and Frank so hard, it's not even funny! They're a match made in heaven. He barely laughs, wears a suit ever single day, and is as straight laced as Sarah. If only Sarah wasn't married.


The day pasted by rather fast, thank god. I was leaving the studio with Conner, when we decided to go get a late snack before he dropped me off at my apartment. "You sounded amazing today, as usual." Conner says and I blush madly. I probably will never get used to Conner freaking Davis complementing me.

"Thank you! So did you." I giggle, bumping my hip into his. I want to tell him that he looks amazing in those dark wash jeans he is wearing, but I withhold. Conner makes the suggestion of going to a little ice cream parlor near my apartment, and I happily say "yes."

"Thanks for buying this for me; you know didn't have to." I smiled while scooping some of my black raspberry flavored ice cream into my mouth. "It was no big deal. How are you liking it out here, so far?" he asks changing the subject.

We talk for a while until I see a repetitive, flashing light from outside. "Shit." Conner mutters before grabbing my hand, leaving our precious ice cream on the table. "What?" I say, still worried about my ice cream. Will I get to eat the rest?

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