Chapter Five~

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Authors Note

Yeah this story is still on hold I'm just giving you guys one last chapter before I put it on hold :)


Mackenzie's POV

As I sat alone in Harry's guest room, my mind was racing from thought to thought about my past. Flash backs of memories I never wanted to remember poped back into my mind.

Thoughts of scarring nights that haunted me forever.

Where it all began.......everything there was to remember flashing around through my thoughts.

~Flash Back #1~

(Mackenzie age 9, Niall age 11)

"Niall......I-i can't sleep.....Daddy's making to much noise." I said quietly as I entered his dark room.

He sat up at my words and opened his arms for me.

"Come here, It will be over soon. Don't worry, I promise." He spoke softly as I climbed onto his bed and into his warm arms.

"I miss mommy, Niall." I told him, a tear slid down my face.

"I know you do.......I miss her too." He told me rubbing circles into my back.

I sat there in silence for a few moments as Niall held my close to him.

"One day.........When we are a older I'm getting you out of here. He won't hurt you or me anymore. I promise!" He cooed into my ear.

"And until then.......I'll do anything and everything in my power to keep you safe from him. I won't let him hurt you Mackenzie. I won't." He added.

"I Love You Niall." I told him as I rest my head on his chest.

"I Love You too, Kenzie. Now please try and go to sleep. I'm right here....Okay?" He asked.

I nodded and lay down close to my brother. The only person I trusted anymore. The only person I could look up my eyes...he was my hero.

~End Of Flash Back #1~

That night was the very first night my father started bringing prostitutes home. It was also the night my brother became my only family.

~Flash Back #2~

(Mackenzie age 10, Niall age 12)

I sat in the corner of the room clutching my beloved teddy bear that was given to me by my mother. Tears falling consistently down my cheeks.

My eye's wide at the sight of my older brother being beaten and it had all been my fault.

I had broken a china plate that belonged to my mother. It had been an accident, but my father didn't care. He was infuriated. Of course Niall being the amazing brother he is, took the blame from me. He told my father he broke the plate.

Watching as my brother got the beating that was suppose to be mine and nothing I could do to help.

"Daddy Please Stop! Daddy Please! Don't hurt him!..........Daddy........Daddy Please!" I cried out in desperation.

My father looked over at me...........and for one second his eye's turned from evil to sympathetic.

His gaze soon ripped from mine and back to Niall.

"Your lucky, she's only ten." my father growled at him before exiting the room.

~End Of Flash Back #2~

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