Chapter Two~

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Mackenzie's POV

(The Next Morning)

The room was cold and it was barley light out. Niall's arm still wrapped around me. I feel myself become nervous as I realize what had happened. Recollection of everything hitting me like a tone of bricks.

"Hey, what time is it?" Niall asks me groggily.

I turn on my cell phone.

"7:30 in the morning." I say looking down at him.

"I told the boys I would bring you over to see them at 9:00 today." Niall said getting up off the bed.

I couldn't help but let a smile creep onto my face. The boys were like my family........In fact they were my only family. I loved them so much! they truly are amazing boys.

Plus I would love to leave this hell hole. Even if it is just for the day.

"They really missed you while we were gone. Always complaining about how you never come to visit us while we are on tour." He adds giving me a sympathetic smile.

"Well you know that I'm not aloud. He won't let me. You don't understand how badly I want to visit you while your on tour." I say sadly.

"I Know. I wish that there was a way I could get you out of here. Every time I leave you behind. I Never stop worrying about you, because I never know what I'm going to come home too. I'm scared that one day I'm going to come home and you won't be here anymore. I'll find out that You've run away or maybe even did something to yourself. It just scares me so much. I never want to loose you and leaving you behind I never know what to expect." Niall explains.

The thought of Niall feeling that way kills. He knows about all those times I've tried committing suicide, he knows about the constant thoughts that run threw my mind. I'm stressing him out while he's on tour and I don't like it at all.

"I'm sorry Niall, I don't mean to stress you out." I say feeling bad.

"I know, I just don't ever want that to happen. I never want to come home and you not be there. I want you to be safe. That's all I've ever wanted. Ever since mum died. Its been my top priority to keep you safe. I know I haven't been doing such a great job of it, but I'm trying so hard." He says shakily.

I know that Niall is trying so hard and I love him so much for trying, but he knows that he can't keep me safe. Its just not possible.

By now tears are flooding my eyes. Niall is trying so hard. He's risking himself for me. He really cares about me. I Love him so much, He's the best brother any girl could have. He know's the same pain I do.

Niall has been depressed since the night we found out about our mum being killed in a car accident. It soon got worse over the course of time because of all the things that went on. About a week after my mum's death our father went ballistic. He started drinking and smoking drugs and cigar's. He would alway's be putting me down and beating on us both. He would bring random girls home at very late hours of the night and have sex with them....night after night. It took a hard toll on both of us in very different way's. Niall became depressed and very anxious and I became suicidal and started to self harm. We both try to help each other threw everything, but times have gotten worse and our father has become more and more abusive everyday. I'm scared for what might happen.

I feel Niall strong arms wrap around me and pull me close to him.

"I will find a way to get us both out of here, weather I have to die trying. I won't stand for this any longer." Niall says while he holds close to him.

"Now lets get ready, okay? They boys really, really want to see you. They have even got a surprise for you waiting." Niall say's with a smile letting me out of his grip.

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