Chapter Three~

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Harry's POV

We had now gone threw about five movies. All extremely long. But non the less it was getting late and I had something planned for me and Mackenzie. Considering we were both really good friends I decided I would take her out on a date as matter how badly i wished it would be something more.

"Well lads, I'm taking Kenzie out for a while." I say getting up off the couch.

The boys nod and I walk over to Mackenzie and help her up.

She gives me a smile and we both head over to the door.

After we are both ready to leave we head out the door to my car.

"So where are we going?" Mackenzie asks me with a smile.

"Its a surprise!" I simply sate.

She rolls her eyes at me getting into my car.

We drove for about 20 minutes before reaching town. I quickly found a parking spot on the boardwalk.

I got out and walked over to the other side of the car. Helping Kenz out.

She smiles at me again as I shut the door and we both begin to walk down main street.

It being the middle of November the air was crisp and cold.

We walked for a while before I spotted a star bucks.

I took her hand and we both entered the coffee shop.

As we approached the counter the lady behind the counter's eyes grew wide in shock as she must be a fan.

I smiled at her.

"Hi, y-your Harry Styles..right? From the band One Direction." She asked with a grin.

"Yes, I am. Your a fan?" I ask.

"Yeah! Would you mind taking a picture?" She asks hesitantly.

"Of course love." I say as I lean over the counter as she takes the photo with her phone.

"Thank you! Now what may I get for you?" She beams.

I look over to Mackenzie as if asking what she would like.

"Um, I have a vanilla frappuccino " she say's now looking at me.

"And I'll have the same." I say.

The women nods and heads over to make our drinks.

"So you've driven 20 minutes to bring me to a star bucks?" She asks with a giggle.

"Well, that and It would be nice to catch up. I haven't seen you or really spoke to you in 8 months. I feel like we are complete strangers and not best friends." I tell her.

She opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by the women behind the counter calling out our order numbers.

I got up from our seat and grabbed our drinks, payed then sat back down handing her, her drink.

"So, how has school been going?" I ask her taking a sip of my drink.

"Ugh, good" she answers hesitantly.

"Hows being in a world famous boy-band?" She asks.

"It has its benefits." I say humorously.


(Half an hour later)

Its been about half an hour. Both of us making small talk the whole time. Catching up on each others lives.

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