chapter 6 educational lesson

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(A/n Real quick before I start this chapter the sole reason I haven't been updating is because of Wattpad's weird policies.
Had to scrap several ideas or I would have been on chapter 30 by now)

Quick recap arona ends up destroying our arm which didn't phase us so just to be a boss we decided to regrow our arm.

The three are both grossed out from the sound of it alone.
Arona looks like she's going to be sick she has seen plenty of things on the battlefield and has the scars to prove it

Arona: WHAT THE FUCK?! Who the hell he can just regrow an arm?!

She has seen some shit and been through even more shit.
But this top the damn cake because getting hit by her Hammer which she knows hurts like a bitch due to its weight but typically when somebody loses a limb or arm the fight is over!
The guy in front of him didn't even look fazed in the slightest and that weird creature that's next to him looking like it was getting ready to maul them he calmed it down like it could understand him!
*Slightly shaking* Arona lifts her her shield and prepares for a possible attack though her instincts are telling her she has fucked up royally.

Hretha is still currently recovering from the stun of one the amount of mana that is in surrounding the air making her feel sick. second the nauseating sound of somebody regrowing something that is meant to stay gone.

While she does not have sight compared to her younger sister and her apprentice that does not mean she still cannot see mana itself or feel someone's presence.
Her sight was a bit of a sacrifice known for her to become a priestess as magic is normally frowned upon by those imbeciles that she calls a tribe.
Well she could not see the person's figure the sheer amount of mana that is coming from him alone as well as the surrounding area is more than enough to let you know this person is to not be messed with and her sister making a huge mistake which is nothing unusual...

Further cements that she heard something fall sounded like something being severed but what frightens her is not the appendage falling it was the overwhelming calm voice that followed as if this was normal to them.

Poor infrith wasn't faring any better to be honest much like her mistress along with her Mistresses sister she really was not prepared for anything she was seeing today they came here to find someone as was told a rumored that this place could be a possible settlement that their tribe could relocate towards.
The instructions were unclear but her mistress was told that should somebody disobey the ancient laws of the orc tribe that would be repercussions.
What that law is for what she gathered is orc affairs and orc matters are to be solved by the clan and tribe and brought up given as they value strength above everything else it's normally a slug it out to find out where you fit in in the tribe.

You want to higher position from a gatherer to a warrior you fight for it/want to be the next chieftain you really have to fight for it by Winimg against the chieftain himself in single combat a sort of trial by combat if you will.

But what they found was this place already looked like it belonged to somebody else a weird bear looking creature that looks like it could quite literally give mistress arona a run for her money and it isn't even armed!

Y/n: let's try that again oh before I forget
*Leans down grabbing his severed arm and tossing it into the into the air*

Not even a moment later something snatches a separate arm out of the air

The mysterious figure begins to look at the arm examining it before licking the blood dripping off the severed limb completely with a delightful look on her face.

???: Ahhhh nothing like your blood to start my day.
Came as soon as I smelled it so who is the poor sods head I have to tear off for spilling your delicious blood?

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