Chapter 1: The War Lives on

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Welcome to my first story, mistakes are to be expected. Thank you!

A loud wail sounded through the town, As it did Ruv awakened rushing to the side of his barrack's bed rushing his uniform on. A staff Sergeant yelled at the men pointing them towards a truck, Nobody knew what was happening, but as Ruv got into the truck it finally became clear.

Artillery rained down upon the town, the loud rumbles of engines could be heard, the Germans were attacking. It had been a few months since they started to invade his homeland, Ruv didn't think they would reach where he was stationed, and yet here they are on the edge of Kaluga. The truck sped away leaving some behind, the bumps and turns made a lot of troops in the back have a hard time. The artillery barrage started all around them, it was loud and rumbling, one unlucky shell hits beside the truck launching it. Ruv was flung into the air hitting the ground and being knocked unconscious.

A few hours later...

His eyelids started to open, it was slow, eventually he awoke. "How long have I been here?" He muttered, Ruv looked around the area there was nobody to see. Several dead bodies, and plenty of blood, it was safe to say that if he had been awake he would have died.

Ruv pushes himself to his feet, his head ached, his eyes burned from dust, it was around noon, and smoke columns bellowed into the air. The houses around unrecognizable some even completely collapsed in. He grabbed the rifle off his side and began to walk unknowing of where he was or where he was going.

An hour later...

Ruv has been walking a while, he tiredly stutters "Well quite a sight to see." There was a lot more bodies laying around, those of other soldiers German and Russian. He continued to walk amongst debris thinking to himself, 'What happened here?' His attention however was taken to focus on a low buzzing noise. It grew louder and closer, a buzz to a rumble. He looked up, the aircraft he had spotted was marked with a blackened cross, a BF-109. It seemed the pilot spotted him as it dived down for the kill, "Blyat!" Ruv yelled as he turned to run. He ran to the closest building as the 109 opened fire with its wing mounted machine guns, sending bursts of bullets into debris and dirt sending up dust. The building was a church seemingly damaged from the attacks. As he approached the door it suddenly swings open sending him crashing onto the church floor on top of the person who opened it.

When he came to, the face he crossed with made him freeze. She was young and beautiful, twinkling eyes that looked at him, with pink luscious hair that was recently freed from a hat. Ruv realized he was on top of them, and she
pushed him away, getting ready to defend herself.


Off to a good start I would say.

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