Chapter 9: Nation of Secret Numbers

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Sarv stares at the file, nothing at all no words no German letterings, she learned German in France long ago, she could use it here but there is nothing, just a series of numbers in random order. Ruv comes to check on her, "How is everything over- what is that??" Sarv looks over for a response but Ruv takes the files, "This is secret letterings, numbers to make a code sadly I can't crack, we need to get this to command." Sarv reacted "We?? I'm not taking place in this! I'll go but I want no part with that file." Ruv looked over and back at the file, "I'll just slip it in the bag, and wait for if we need them." Sarv looked into his eyes, watching his hair distracted, Ruv slipped the file in the bag, "Alright let's go, Sarv? Hello? Sarv can you hear me?" She finally reacted, "Yeah let's go!"

The two pushed through the town, Ruv grabbed things like ammo and supplies from the German soldiers. Sarv tried not to stare, but looked over when Ruv looked at her. "Sarv is something wrong? It can't be about what happened last night, is it?" She looked at Ruv, "Oh everything is fine." Ruv looked suspiciously and looked back at the wall. The wall of the old building he was studying had graffiti on it. It read the words "Rataver was here." Who was Rataver? "Sarv you ever wonder how many more people are out here with us?" Sarv looks and responds, "Yeah sometimes... it's not something I wanna think though since it isn't the best thing especially in a war." Ruv looked closely, he noticed how Sarv looked at him, but didn't think much of it, "Come on, we need to move if we can get back to Soviet lines we will be safe." Sarv walked by him getting distracted looking at him and then looking back to where they were walking. She finally spoke, "So you wanna talk about something? Maybe about life before the war??" Ruv looked over noticing her fidget, "Sure, it's best we break the silence." Sarv started "Before I moved, I was working a nun job in France." She looked into Ruv's eyes, m "I heard about rising tensions between Germany and the allied powers... my country was one of them. I wanted nothing to do with that war, so I planned to immigrate into Russia." Her expression saddened, "My family disagreed with my choice, trying every way to stop me from going... I did. It was a long travel, When I got here I didn't really know what to do, so I learned the language..." She let out a sigh and continued to speak, "I guess a year later I got as fluent as I am now, but I needed something... eventually I found that church, it was old, rundown, and not in the best of shape, it was different from the many Orthodox churches I saw. It became home to me, whenever I established I sent letters to my family," tears started to form in her eyes, "I don't know if they ever made it since my family never wrote back... When the war broke out I was glad not to be in France, but I felt a sense of sadness and regret. I thought I escaped the war... but I guess now here we are, the war was brought to me...."

Ruv stared for a while taking it all in, he let out a big sigh and began to speak. "I was 17, working that farm had been hard, I guess around when I was 18 the war broke out in the west, my country was the one responsible for attacking with the Germans against the Polish, I figured that working in the military would have been better than working on the farm, so I enlisted. I arrived at boot camp it was difficult being there.... I failed many times, eventually I was in the military... I had no idea it would be like this, I had only gotten out and heard that the Germans betrayed us, I was far from the lines... I was scared to fight, I wondered why... I eventually did fight.... I ran into you that same day.... maybe it was destiny that brought us together, maybe so that we could survive... I never wanted the blood on my hands and yet here I am, the bloodiest of us all." When he finished he was looking down, he had no tears to give no anger to throw, just emotionless and dead. Sarv who was listening was wiping some tears, she understood nothing of what it was to kill... she only witnessed it... she never partook in the horror, she watched it unfold... there was nothing more she knew.

After walking for half the day they stopped at a building, it was a retail store, looted, anything left behind were useless. Ruv went upstairs escorting Sarv, she looked down at him coming up the steps, "Ruv... can we make a promise?" Ruv looked up at her and froze, "Sure, What is it?" Sarv looked him in the eyes she was nervous but took a deep breath, "If we ever get separated... if can't find each other.... can we promise to meet again? After the war?" Ruv looked up thinking a moment, he uttered his answer, "Yes we can... I promise that." Sarv nodded and sat amongst a wall to sleep. Ruv thought about it, he had to tell her soon...

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