Chapter 6: The Ones we Left Behind

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Sarv and Ruv moved quickly, the forest moved quickly, and they ran. Suddenly gunfire from behind them, the Germans were hot on them, the Stukas from earlier turned around and focused their offensive weaponry on the two running along the tree line, trees around them were being shredded to pieces, and Ruv covered Sarv using himself, he took hits in the arm and leg. Multiple hits, it hurt but he grabbed her again and ran fast as the soldiers behind fired at them, suddenly the tree line ended and there was debris, without much thought Ruv rushed into this small town shaking the soldiers with turns, he brought Sarv into a building and covered her mouth as the enemy soldiers ran by, when they finally went by Sarv freed her mouth and argued, "What was that about?? You could have warned me!!" Ruv responded, "There was no time, if you or I had made a peep, we would have been goners!" "So?? Does that give to consent?!?! I wasn't gonna make a sound, so stop acting like I don't know what I'm doing!!"

He looked down at her, when he did she crossed her arms and looked away disapprovingly. "Look I'm sor-" Ruv was interrupted, "Cut it, I know you are! Just never again!" Soldiers came into sight, and they shut themselves up. Once the troops went by, Sarv did the unexpected, she pulled Ruv in to a hug, "Wait What? I thought you-" interrupted again, "oh shut it, it's just cold!" She exclaimed, "You want my jacket?" Ruv responded, "Yes please!" She answered, Ruv handed his jacket over and she put it on, continuing to grasp Ruv, he was surprised by this and it made his heart race. "We can't stay for long, the enemy is hot on our trail." Ruv said trying to get her to move. "We will be fine! Just let us stay." Suddenly a Tiger H1 breaks through the wall beside them, it hadn't spotted them because the windows were on the front, and the commander on top was focused on the forward area. They stayed silent until it left their sight, "Does that make you wanna move?" Ruv asked sarcastically, "Alright, I agree." She said scared.

They had been wandering the town for a while just trying to locate a safe place, "Can't we just stay somewhere?? We can start a fire!" Sarv complained. "The enemy will see the smoke rising. It's not safe." Ruv informed, however Sarv responded, "There is smoke rising everywhere! It's a war zone, our smoke will blend with the other smoke!" Ruv had a response, "Well... never thought of that, clever girl." "Oh quit the flattery let's go!" They headed into the debris of a house setting up a fire pit, "So Ruv, you seem to act weird around me. It almost seems like you are protective as if you are trying to impress me." Sarv said almost strangely, "Well I guess I am protective, but I'm not trying to impress you." Ruv answered, Sarv had something to say, "You like me don't you?" Ruv responded, "As a person yes." Sarv tried to get an Admission, "I know you do, stop hiding it." Ruv angrily responded, "Oh cut it out!" A long pause ensued, "Sorry about that, I just- Nevermind." She fell asleep next to him, a part of him made him wrap and arm behind her back and lean her onto him, "Goodnight Sarv, sweet dreams." He fell asleep, the rumbling started and he was asleep.

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