Chapter 3: Night Time Blitz

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They were both sleeping quite close together. It was a cold night, and Ruv decided to give his military grade jacket to Sarv since for him it was civilians before himself. Sarv rolled next to him both asleep, and stayed pushed up against him. It kept both of them relatively warm during the cold Russian nights

2:30 AM, August 13th

While they lay asleep that same night a sudden frenzy of explosions and gunfire wake them, Sarv and Ruv wake fast, and notice how close they were to each other, this caused them to scramble back from each other, while Ruv quickly went for his weapon Sarv slightly blushed at what had just happened. The sound of a dive siren sounded scaring the hell out of Ruv, he had heard stories from the front of the Stuka's and their dive sirens, he stood ready at the door for if anybody walked in, he had his bayonet mounted to his gun. A sudden nearby explosion pushed the doors open knocking both Sarv and Ruv off their feet, Sarv who was busy trying to find a melee weapon found herself in the supply pile she was searching, a sharp piece of shrapnel cut her arm and she held it suppressing any sound that she may make due to the pain.

5:30 AM...

Several Germans set up around the perimeter of the church firing at it, Ruv was firing back risking running out of ammo. He had been eyeing a Panzer Faust (ANTI Tank rocket launcher) outside near the body of a dead German soldier. He fired at the Germans holed up in the house across the way, Sarv was in cover holding her injured arm, and attempting to treat the wound. Ruv had gotten a headshot to one of the German soldiers, another ran in pure anger and grief straight at him managing to fire a shot straight into Ruv's shoulder, however Ruv quickly sent him off. He quickly ran for the Panzer Faust taking a grazing shot to the leg, he retreated back into the cover of the church. The enemy fire was relentless, Sarv had gotten a grazing shot at the side of her head leaving a tiny scar. A scary sound started the familiar rumble of aircrafts and a new rumbling, suddenly a panzer III crashes through a building across the street firing its MG guns. It fired a shell at them but it went in the church and out the other side without exploding. Ruv panicked at the sight firing whatever he could, Stuka dive bombers dropped bombs around the church. They were pinned, Sarv grabbed his arm hugging it tightly with fear, suddenly Ruv remembered the Panzer Faust. Quickly he shook Sarv's grasp and ran for it taking fire along the way, he grabbed for it mounting it onto his shoulder, he was on his belly he aimed it and fired the shot went straight into the turret and he watched as the tank retreated for their gunners were down, however it caused them to call artillery on the church, the building took a hit but kept them safe, the damage was large but eventually Ruv fended off the German threat.

He sat back down next to Sarv, "Heh, you really were scared, gripping my arm like it's the end of the world." Ruv joked. "Shut up! It was just because I needed comfort! Not any particular reason!" She responded with an upset tone. "Whatever you say then Sarv." He responded. "Look I'm just tired.... why don't we sleep?" She says before Ruv answers, "I think I'm keeping watch, after that I wanna make sure no more sneak up on us." She responded, "alright then." As she fell asleep he watched over her, she was sure pretty.

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