Chapter 5: The Cold and the Bold

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Sarv awakened really early to Ruv wrapping an arm around her, her face lightened with a warm blush at the unexpected sight, she quietly spoke "Ruv..." Ruv was awakened slowly by her words, as he awoke he saw her face once again freezing, he however snapped out releasing his arm and pulling himself away, "S-sorry! I wasn't tr-" Sarv interrupted, "No, it's ok! I understand that we move around in our sleep." Ruv looked around and got up pulling his rifle to his side, he went outside and looked around. There was tracks, somebody went by here, they were in a hurry because they didn't stop. "That's strange..." He uttered. "Sarv come on we need to go!" She walked out of the hut, "alright alright, I'm up, let's go!" They walked through the forest and the weather started to get bad, Ruv gave up his jacket as night approached again, this time there was no shelter. He handed over some rations to Sarv, letting her eat. He held off from eating while he sat up next to a tree for the night. "You need to eat! You will starve yourself!" Ruv looked into her eyes insistent, "No, you need more than me, eat." She stops herself, "If you won't eat then I refuse to eat." Ruv looked over, "Fine then, Don't eat." She handed over a bit of the food and Ruv hesitates to take what he was given, he took it and ate slowly, but suddenly things went for the worst. A small snowflake to a snowstorm, Sarv and Ruv were cold, they were trying to keep warm. It was clear, if they stayed like this they would die. Ruv however had an idea, "Sarv take off the jacket I have an idea!" "What why!?!?" "Just do it!!" She reluctantly took off the jacket, and Ruv took it wrapping it around both of them. He huddled into her side, exchanging warmth with each other. "W-What?!" Sarv exclaimed, trying to hide the blush on her face. "If you wanna survive, this is necessary! We can exchange warmth and it will save us!" Ruv responded, they stayed like that for most of the time, both having fallen asleep on each other. The next day there was snow on the ground, and they were huddled together next to a tree. Ruv awoke and looked over to his shoulder, she rested onto his shoulder, he reacted and rubbed her head petting her soft hair. She sure got comfy, Sarv awoke a few minutes later, looking up at him and blushing slightly at his touch, "I see you're awake finally, we ne-" his words were interrupted by a rumble in the sky, German aircrafts barreled in, Sarv and Ruv watched as they flew over it seemed they were not spotted. If there were aircrafts then their army wasn't too far behind. They needed to move, their lives depended on it.

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