Chapter 15: The Final Fight

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Ruv had been on foot for an hour, the rest of his squad was restless and ready to fight, but he was scared. He had something to come back to now, a future wife... The German command was ahead, they approached quickly watching the building, suddenly they start taking lots of fire, Ruv fires back shooting whatever he can before taking cover, eventually his fear drive him farther to the south side of the building away from his squad, he had been fighting the Germans, Teroka's tank had followed him, several other soldiers too. They were using the cover of buildings to attempt to storm the building, Ruv chucked a grenade at soldiers, but they didn't look like adults... Ruv's attention went to footsteps behind him, he span around and pointed his weapon, the Boy was German, a child, he had tried sneaking up in him but now had his hands in the air, Ruv wanted to pull the trigger, he almost did, but he stopped himself. This boy was too young, he lowered his weapon and the boy ran off, he looked back to the building and they've almost seized it. News came in, their leader was dead and the Reich had fallen.

When Sarv arrived at the building he hugged her tightly, "Sarv... I'm so glad you're alive!" Sarv looked at him, "It's ok.... I should be the one glad." Ruv had to ask her, he spoke now he couldn't turn back, "Sarv.... I know we have been here for a while.... but I wanted to move to the United States after the war... I wanted to know... will you come with me?? I wanna live life with you, I wanna start a family with you... will you come with me? Sarv...." she looked him in the eyes shocked, "Ruv.... I'm not leaving you. Of course I'll go.... I love you, Ruv." Ruv looked to her, "I love you too, Sarv..." they hugged each other and looked up into the night sky... it was bright... as would their future.

The Love in War - Ruvente AUWhere stories live. Discover now