Chapter 10: Confess

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Sarv awoke in the morning, Ruv wasn't around making her nervous. She quickly went down the stairs to find Ruv leaning up against the window looking out, he had been sitting there all night on guard and thinking. "Good morning?" Sarv said confused, Ruv looked over his shoulder and responded, "Good morning, how was your sleep?" Sarv answered the question, "It was alright, are you ok?" Ruv looked up, "Yeah I'm fine..." he lied. He walked back into the store and looked at Sarv, "We are gonna need to go now." She looked into his eyes, "Sounds like a plan, maybe we should eat along the way." Ruv nodded and signaled her to follow as he began to walk, she rushed to his side.

It was eerily quiet, Sarv felt strange and whispered to Ruv, "I think somebody is watching us..." It sent a chill down his spine, and before he could respond he heard something. In reaction he grabbed Sarv by the hand and rushed them to cover at the same time enemy troops opened fire upon them, "Damn it, we're pinned down!! Sarv stay down!" Ruv attempted to return fire but when he peeked he saw a glare and returned to his cover, in a nearby building a sniper was looking down at them, "Ruv what is it?" Sarv asked, too terrified to move. Ruv just kept her in cover and prepared a stick grenade from one of the German soldiers he killed, he pulled the bottom pin off and tossed it near the building, the sniper fired, but missed.

The grenade landed at the base of the building doing no damage, Mg guns started to fire at them, "Stay down!!" He yelled at Sarv. He threw another grenade taking a hit in the arm, pain throbbed in his arm. Sarv pulled his injured arm to her and studied it grabbing some medical supplies, she had been carrying the bag around her shoulder waiting for when they needed it. She applied some pain reliever, she had resupplied off a medic, continuing to grab some surgical tweezers, this time when she stuck it in there was no pain that reliever did its job. She pulled the bullet out of the wound patching it up, Ruv prepared his rifle on the sniper. He grabbed a helmet on the ground near them and put it on his rifle, after he continued to raise the helmet out of the cover which distracted the sniper, it was his chance. Ruv watched the sniper shoot the helmet off his rifle,and he rushed up and trained his rifle on the sniper carefully. He fired, a direct hit as the glare of the scope never returned to sight.

Now he had to deal with the MG gunners, they were yelling and firing taking small stops to reload, and cool their weapon, cooling took less time than reloading which gave Ruv an idea. He yelled to Sarv, "When I say go, run behind that building there!!" Sarv looked over to him and yelled, "are you crazy!? They'll kill us!" Ruv responded, "Just do it!" He watched the MG gunners, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5 stop... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 reload..." He counted to himself. The MG guns did their stop, he waited for the reload, the gunners fire held, and he yelled to Sarv, "Go!!" Sarv rushed quickly to the other building, Ruv followed close behind jumping and diving in when he heard he gunners fire again. They continued to get away from the area.

They stopped to catch their breath, Ruv talked in between breaths, "We just *pant* barely *pant* made it out!" Sarv looked and spoke, "Yeah!" Their rest was cut short when a sudden rumbling came from behind, Ruv looked and as he did a Tiger tank broke through the house, it spotted them since it's main barrel started to focus. "Run!!" Ruv screamed.

Both of them sprinted away from the tank, Ruv quickly grabbed Sarv's hand to keep them from separating, the tank continued to break through buildings to get to them as they turned corners, "This isn't quick enough! Sarv I'm gonna need to pick you up!" Ruv had yelled, Sarv looked and screamed! "What, why!?!?" "I'm able to run quicker! You won't be slowing me down if I do!" Sarv knew there was no choice, she reluctantly replied, "Alright, fine! Don't get grabby though!" "Alright!" Ruv yelled, he picked her up quickly and ran with her in his arms, Sarv blushed, the tiger tank that was hot on them continued to chase. Suddenly while they were running the Tiger tank breaks a wall in front of them, This time its barrel trained quickly on them, he runs the other way, and just before it fired, a plane flew over and blasted a rocket into its barrel. The barrel bent open and when they tried to fire, the shell dry fired and only damaged the tank more, it quickly retreated away from the two, attempting to get away to repair.

Finally Sarv and Ruv rested, "That was scary..." Ruv commented with Sarv still in his arms, Sarv looked up at him trying to hide her blush, "Yeah, it was! Now can you put me down now, please?" Ruv realized, "Oh s-Sorry!" He set her down and she backed up. Sarv looked up into the sky, and muttered to Ruv, "It's getting dark, we need to find somewhere." He looked around, "That May work." He pointed at a church, "it seems uninhabited so why not?" Sarv exclaimed excitedly, "Yes that would work!" They both rushed inside.

Ruv watched the window, if he was gonna do it Now was the time. He approached Sarv who was setting up the pews to sleep on, "Sarv..." she looked at him questioningly, he continued, "I know we've only known each other for a few months, but..." she turned all her attention to him, he continued on, "You have started to grow on me, Sarv. You are my everything, my world, my life, my love... I love you." Sarv stared in disbelief, she knew she would be breaking her vow as a nun if she went with it, but it was hard to resist her feelings for him. She decided, and responded, "I have been waiting for this a long time. Ruv... I understand all that we have been through, but I can't resist you, I had feelings  for you a while now... I had a hard time trying to confess... now I can. Ruv, I love you... I love you more than my church, my country, my job... I want to be with you." Ruv stared and managed to smile, Sarv approached and hugged him tightly, She approached his face, and they both exchanged a kiss.

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