Chapter 11: A day to remember

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That morning they had been entangled together, Ruv began to wake and Sarv followed shortly afterward, "Morning love," she gave him a kiss, "Hope you slept well." Ruv responded "I did sleep well, you?" She looked him in the eye, "Yes I did, we should probably get up." Ruv started to untangle himself from her, "Yeah... we got lucky that nobody came in here." Ruv finally got up and went for his rifle, suddenly a rat scurried across the floor making him jump. It was strange with wings and horns, the inside of it's ears were magenta as well as it's eyes. He didn't have time to worry about it right now, he went outside to make a check. As he did a thought came to his mind, try must be miles from soviet lines, who knows maybe they were heading in the complete opposite direction, it seemed as if the Germans had set patrols through this town. Another thought came to mind, his memories in his homeland were not the best, and after the war he may be forced to work again. He wanted to get out of the USSR after the war, he wanted to bring Sarv with him, but he was not sure if she would agree.

The area around was filled with gunfire and explosions, the rumbling of aircrafts went overhead, it was German. Ruv's first reaction is to get inside the church, Sarv noticed him rush in, "What's wrong? Something happen?" He looked at her with fear, "There was some enemy aircraft in not sure if the spotted me." The sudden sound of an aircraft diving confirmed his fears but this time Sarv was the one grabbing his hand, taking him to a cellar under the church, "We'll be safe in here. We may not reach the lines so I say we stay here as long as possible." Ruv looked in agreement, "You knew exactly what I was thinking." She pulled him in for a hug, the sounds of German voices could be heard above them, they were about to open the cellar. Ruv readied his bayonet and stood in front of Sarv.

The Germans broke in, the first one down he stabbed with his bayonet, the second one he shot, the third enemy threw a grenade in the cellar and attempted to close it. Ruv reacted quickly and threw it back just before they could get the door closed. Sarv was scared in the corner of the cellar, The next Germans came in a group, and he fought them with his bayonet and the butt of his gun, he knocked the first one off his feet then with the butt of his gun knocked the second one's gun to the ground, finishing them with a stab, he used the bayonet to fling the second one into the third one and they fell onto the fourth one knocking the weapon out of their hand, the first one threw a punch which deliberately hit Ruv's cheek, Ruv reacted by slashing him with the bayonet, and moved to the third one who charged him  stabbing him in the stomach. At this point the fourth one was up and attempted to slash him with a knife, Ruv knocked the knife out of his hands hitting him fatally with the butt of his gun quickly reacting to kill the first one trying to sneak up on him with a stab to the chest. Suddenly a sixth one charges and slashed Ruv with a knife, Ruv however managed to keep him from stabbing him quickly overpowering him sending his own knife into his chest.

Ruv was losing lots of blood from the slash wound and Sarv quickly went for stitches and bandages. She got her bag and first applied a tourniquet to Slow the bleeding enough to where she could stitch it. Her next move was to apply some pressure, there was no time to numb the area so she just started to stitch putting Ruv through some pain, "Just hold still it's gonna be ok!!" after a good 25 stitches the wound was closed. She bandaged it up to keep it covered and let Ruv speak, "That hurt like hell." Sarv looked him in the eyes, "It probably did, thanks for protecting me by the way." Ruv watched her brush her hair out of her face, "You're Welcome, my honey munchkin." She blushed a bit from the name, "Thank you for tending my wounds." Sarv smiled, "You're Welcome, if it is to save you then I'm glad to." They exchanged a small nuzzle.

They exited the Cellar, there was rumbling sounds surrounding the area, a mass bombing raid was being carried out by German forces to clear the last bit of the town up. Ruv and Sarv watched as enemy aircraft flew around, suddenly another rumble approached that Ruv didn't notice, and when he did it was a soviet T-34, the commander poked his head out almost surprised when he spotted Ruv, as if he had seen a ghost, Ruv thought they looked kinda familiar, they spoke, "Who's the friend, Ruvyzvat!?" It was an old friend, his name was Teroka...

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