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Izuku's POV:


How did this happen?

When did they all turn against me?

Another Airrow was hissing past me, slightly cutting my arm. It was not as if I didn't already have enough injuries. I had some deep cuts from a sword and stab wounds from a dagger, even a large slash of an axe on my back. I was getting tired with each move. The bloodlose was getting to me but I needed to escape.

What did I ever do?

Were they not my friends, my second family?

I was jumping from roof to roof trying to get away from the people once I loved, the once I so admired and the once I called friends.

Arrows were falling from the sky down at me like raindrops.

Why me?

Thanks to my enhanced instincts of being and S-ranked Omega I could evade every arrow almost unscated. Some graced me and only one hit me in my back. I had no time to pull it out. Then I felt it. Something hit me right in my leg and I fell down on the rooftop face first. It hurt so much. Looking down at it I saw that it was a Shuriken.


I need to stand up!

I can't let them get me!

I would have used my weapon of Kindness but it didn't belong to me anymore. I was robbed of everything, shunt by the very one that gave me the chance to become what I am today.

I tried to stand up but I couldn't, something was very wrong. Grinding my teeth together in order not to scream, pulling the weapon out of my flesh, I could see that something greenish was lacing the edges.

It was already night and all I had was the full moon shining down on me. However it was enough to see the liquid and my path. The weapons were also glimmering in the dark night, thanks to them reflecting the moon light.



Once I pulled it out, I immediately stood up and began running again but not it didn't take long and I could feel it's effect on me. I began feeling sluggish and weak, it became hard to run in a straight line, my sense of balance slowly began to fade but that was not the only thing that was beginning to fade. Black dots appeared in my field of vision.

No, Izuku!




I can't!
























I need
















As I was jumping from one roof to another, my speed began dropping and I could feel my consciousness fading. However I still ran to the roof edge and tried to jump to the other. Keyword tried!









Make it!









As if the situation couldn't get any worse I completely blacked out in mid air and all I could feel was hitting the hard concrete floor 3 stories beneath me and I was out cold! Coldness was surrounding me and I could feel all the blood leaking out of my wounds.

I am an Omega, SO WHAT?!Where stories live. Discover now