That Bitch Did What?!!

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Hawks POV:

I was flying around town after hearing some nasty rumors. There was no chance that they were true at all.

There is no way he would do something like this!

Not my feathers!

He was more like an angel than me or any other angel I know!

He is way too pure hearted for this.

Not wanting to believe the rumours about him being a demon. The rumours even go so far as to say that he would spy for them.

That is bullshit!

I can't believe people listen to such a crap!

Are they all fucking blind or what?

Can't they see that he is a true hero?

That his sin was accepting him more than All Might?

He was the litterel incarnation of the word kindness!


Why would anyone say he was weak?

Sure the kid was a lot weaker in combat then the others but he was an omega.

Omegas were never meant to fight and even then I was sure that the kid could hold his own against anyone.

He was not weak! Not the slightest! How dare they even say something like this!

Who the fuck even came up with such a bloody lie?

I even heard that he couldn't hold the holy weapon of kindness. . .

Like what the actuall fuck?

You stupid?

Bruh, he was wielding it for years now!

He even saved a lot of people while using it!

Why shouldn't he be able to use it now?

Combine the two statements and one gets a lot more bullshit. The rumours told of a hero that was not a hero. An omega that was saved and paid kindness with betrayal. A demon in disguise and the only reason he was able to use his weapon in the past was because he was a mixed blood or otherwise known as a weak demon. It was true that this was possible. The weapon was made in a way that only mortals and no angel or demon could wield it.

However , Izuku was definitely not a demon. I met the kid and I know from my past experience what a demon looked like. They normally had some kind of hornes, some had wings and other tails. They are able to hide them but an angel can see through this disguise.

Not wanting to believe any of the things I heard, I went straight to the rout of them in order to clarify what was going on. There was only one person that could tell me what was going on. It was no other than his former teacher and hero, All Might.

I honestly despised that man. He was only after the fame and the money and nothing more. This was something I knew for a fact since I could see it in his eyes. I once worked with him and it disgusted me so much that I would have loved nothing more to throw up right there in front of him.

Anyways it was not hard for me to track All Might down and so I went straight to him and wanted to make him spill out everything he knew. Once I was there I immediately started to question the guy.

Me: What the heck is the meaning of all the rumours?

All Might: Ah! Hawks nice to meet you too and I do not understand what you are meaning.

I am an Omega, SO WHAT?!Where stories live. Discover now