Bird Cage?! Really?! TF

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Izuku's POV:

I don't get where I woke up. The first thing I realized was that I was literally placed on a cushion and if that was not enough or allarming since I collapsed outside somewhere, I was also in a cage.

A bird cage....

Who in their right mind put a bunny in a bird cage?


Where am I?

Why the heck am I in a cage?

If this is where I just escaped from, I am pretty sure I wouldn't be in cage?

So if that would be the lab or whatever that was, I am pretty sure this wouldn't be as comfortable....


What am I even thinking about?

This isn't comfortable!

I am in a damn bird cage!

Who the hell put me in here?!


I want to get out of here!!!!

I wonder if I should break it down or kick it down or anything....

As I was pondering over that, I actually stood up on my feet and leaned against the cage to have a look around. That was when I saw a demon. He was looking at me and he was coming my way.

Suddenly I felt as if this demon was kinda dumb because who else in this room would put me in a bird cage them him?

For real?!

Are you stupid or something?

Why did it had to be a bird cage?

It's not as if I would find a way out!!!!

Where did you even get something this old and rusty from?

Look at the dust around it?!

You could at least have cleaned it up before putting me in this thing!!!

Look there is even a spider web here!

I swear if I find a spider coming down at me and on my fur, you are done for.

???: You finally awake little bunny.


Who are you calling little?!

???: You got hurt pretty badly. You are lucky I found you.


I looked at this demon and knew for sure that there was no way I could respond or shift back. Not that I would actually shift back with my body this week into a territory I didn't even know where I was. From the look of it, it was an old building just because I could tell from the design of this room. It looked very vintage and also classic and majestic too.

However the fact that I was in a bird cage still remained and it was also this very own reason that I was not enjoying being in this room one bit. I wanted to get out and so I started to shake it a bit with my small front paws but all I got back from this dude, was an awww how cute....

Do I really look that cute?

I know a lot of bunnies are cute but even then a cute thing doesn't necessarily meaning that it can't kill ya and you know what?

The moment I get out of here, I will for sure come after you for putting me in a damn cage!

???: I wonder what I should name you.... Let's just stick with bunny.

For real?

You are hopeless!


???: That reminds me... are you hungry?

I would be lying if I said I wasn't hungry at all. My stomach was also rumbling and so I nodded at the demon. Not all demon were bad and I wish I would know this demons name so I could stop calling him a demon. He had red and white split hair as well as a brown and a blue eye... it did remind me of a lost and hopeless puppy looking at him like that but his hair was screaming CANDY CANE at me and I was getting only hungrier with each minute.

???: Okay! I should get you something to eat..... What does a bunny eat anyways?


Literally anything since I am not a rabbit!

You would be a saint if you get me something warm to eat!


A carrot would be nice too!

Or salad...

I am not gonna complain about anything veggy like.

If you get me caned food, I will spit it in your face tho!

???: Hmm.... Since I was about to my makeself some cold soba anyways, I'll get you one too. Rabbits do it soba right?.... Yeah I am sure of that.

He looked at me for a good minutes as if he was expecting me to node at him but there was no node coming from me. I was just buffed. Out of everything he came up with, he decided a rabbit can eat soba.... SOBA!!!

Not that he was actually getting me some vegetables or fruits?

Even pallets were something someone would come up but this Candy Cane Boy just came up with Cold Soba.

Is he living out of that thing?

How does he not know anything else....

That is not the point here....

He will be trying to feed me... a bunny... cold soba?!


He is caging a bunny into a bird cage and now wants to feed me cold soba?

If I was a bunny I would die from it.


Does he want to kill me?!




Cold Soba.....


Not that he can just say carrot or Salad or even Cucumber?!

No, he goes with Soba.

Seeing as if I wasn't responding, he took that as a response and left me in this cage alone. Well the only plus side I could actually chill out and lay on a comfy cushion for once in a while. Still I was injured and the only thing that was around me were some bandages and as far as I could tell he cleaned my wounds up. That was another plus for this dumb brainless Candy Cane who didn't know anything in life. I was starting to question to taught him since common sense and if he even had some to begin with. In the end I was left with nothing else to do than chill in the bird cage as I was way too injured to tackle and destroy that thing once and for all. Didn't want to reopen some of my wounds again after all. 

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