Sin of kindness: The beginning

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Izuku's POV:

Everything is so dark...I can't see anything. I feel like I am drowning. Where am I?

As I looked around me, I saw nothing, just pure darkness!

What happened?

Everything was a hazle in my head.

I-I-I was running away... But why and from whom?

Then the sad reality hit me.

They turned against me! I ran away from them!

Oh no!

Am I still alive?

Where am I?

As I once again looked around I saw some doors popping up from nowhere and in the next instant I was standing in a corridor.

I always thought that death would be different.


This can't be death!

I can't be dead!

I refuse to believe that that is the truth!

Something was pulling me towards the door. Maybe it was my curiosity or the feeling that something was lurking in this dark hallway something I didn't want to find.

I wonder what's behind this door?

I slowly approached the door and opened it. I could see a room that is all too familiar to me!

How is this possible?

I walked through the door escaping the void. Everything is better than the creepy hallway behind me. I felt like there was something there only waiting for me. The moment I close the door it disappears and then realization hits me. This was the room where I got my title of hero of Kindness. My hero name they chose for me was Deku.


It was my 4th birthday and me and my mom would go to check which status I got, this also would be the day when I get my soulmarks. I was soo happy and looking forward to it!

I wonder who my soulmate is?

I hope I will get one!

We went to the doctor that would inspect me and after some questions and time, he concluded that I was an omega. I didn't know what an omega was but the moment the doctor used his alpha ability to force a command on me and I got scared and some rabbit ears and tails popped out and I was shaking like a leaf.

That was apparently the sign of a S ranked Omega.

My mother was instantly by my side and tried to calm me down. I was scared of the doctor. I never experienced someone use a command on me and I hated it. Every fiber in my body didn't want to obey but run.

The next moment I turned completely into a green rabbit and I hopped down and went below the desk to the corner trying to hide. My mother quickly reacted and took my things and put it in her back, she then came to me and began humming a melody. It had such a soothing effect on me that I slowly hopped out of my hiding spot. Mommy then picked me up and held me close to her chest covering my ears. I could hear her heartbeat and it calmed me down even further till I fell asleep.

Next time I woke up, I was in my bed still in my rabbit form and covered completely in blankets.

Next time I woke up, I was in my bed still in my rabbit form and covered completely in blankets

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Huh, why is everything soo big?

It took me some time to get out of the comfy fluffy blankets but once I was out I felt like I shrunk in size and that scared me again. Before I knew it my mom came running in my room and began petting me.

Inko: It's okay, Izu!

Me: What happened?

Inko: You my dear little bunny are a S-ranked omega.

Me: A what?

Inko: You are very special my love.

Me: special?

Inko: You are and your inner animal are very close to each other that's why you can transform into it.

I knew about inner animals everyone knew about that but I never heard of anyone being able to be like it.

Me: Mommy I wanna be me again.

Inko: Izu, you are you no matter how you look like.

Me: How can I change back?

Inko: Think about your appearance and focus my little bunny.

Me: Mh-hm!

I closed my eyes and imagined my appearance like I was looking into a mirror. Then in the next moment I was me again.

Me: Mommy look I did it!

Inko: I am so proud of you.

Once I transformed I was completely naked but my mom immediately took a blanked and covered me in it.

Inko: You have a very special soulmark, my little bunny.

Me: Really?!

Inko: Go and have a look at it!

Me: Okay!

I jumped down from my bed and ran to the mirror. Once I was there I saw that I had a little bird with some blue and red feathers. It was so cute.

*end of flashback*

I woke up to an extremely bright light. I was in a room, a complete white room but that didn't bother me. What bothered me was that I was chained to a table.

Where am I?

What happened?

I still felt dizzy and I could feel some pain. 

I am an Omega, SO WHAT?!Where stories live. Discover now