My Soulmate Is A Cannibal?!

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Dabi's POV:

So that's the reason why I am fine with him...even if he is an angel...

Every time we fight in the war zone I never once try to truly kill him.

Hurt him? Yes.

Hurt him badly to the point he can't fight? Maybe.

But never once did I want to kill him...

I have killed so many already in terms of heroes, humans or angels.

I've killed so many already to the point I don't feel anything when I kill anymore but yet...

I never once wanted him dead...or more like the idea of him being dead pains me...

I never knew why but now I do...

It is because he is my other half...a being that I am meant to love and care for...

Huh...funny I never thought an angel would have a soul mate since they are made by god as a weapon for war...

Me: Hey...idiot.

I said softly to the overgrown chicken.

Hawks: I'm not an idiot! I am dumb from time to time but not an idiot!

Me: Can I ask you to do something for me? Don't worry I am not asking you to kill someone for me.

Hawks: Then what you want?

Me: Can you look at my shoulder?

Hawks: What why?!

Me: Just look at it I did save your life after all it is the least you can do.

Hawks: Fine I will look at your stupid shoulder.

Then I watch him turn his face away from my flames and look at me but the thing is...

Me: Ara Ara~ Little birdie I never know you like other type of meat beside chicken~~

A smirk slowly was making its way onto my face as I watched him turning beet red just like his feathers.

Me: Come on now you can see it afterl you want but can you just look at my shoulder?

I said softly as he took a peek from behind his wings that were now covering him and hiding himself away from me. The reason was obvious. I caught him looking at something he should not be looking at....yet

After that I watched as his eyes went wide and as if everything puzzle pieces finally put themself together.

Hawks: that's why you ask me to look at it.

His voice was very soft and in response I only nodded to him.

Me: You know even when we fight each other a lot in the war zone I never once truly try to kill you...the idea of you no longer being there pains me for some reason

I said softly as I watched my flames burn.

Hawks: Same here...there were so many times I could have just ended you...but I never did instead I let myself be known so you can block my attack. After all I am just a weapon made to kill demons....

I looked up from the flames and as he said that softly to me. He was hugging himself softly. Not only that but he also had such a sad look in his eyes.

I don't like seeing that look..

I want to make it go away...

and I don't think clawing his eyes out would be the right thing to do...

even if that is what I normally do when I don't like the look someone gives me...

So I did something I never did for anyone besides Shoto or Izuku...

I wrap one of my arms around his shoulder and pull him close to my chest and hide him with my wing.

Me: You're not a weapon... you are my soul mate... a being that is born to be loved and cared for by me. I don't care if you are an angel or if you are made to kill are my soul matter what.

I said softly into his ears keeping him close to my chest letting him hear my heartbeat and soon that sad look in his eyes was gone.... Because this idiot of mine fell right asleep!

Dabi: will catch a cold...

I smiled softly at my sleeping mate as I moved him onto my lap and held him close to keep him warm.

No matter what happens I will keep him safe...he's my mate...

Mine...and I am keeping him forever

3rd POV:

Meanwhile Shoto went out of the Demon Castle that belongs to Dabi just to get some errands done for Dabi. He mostly needed to get some food and Shoto was the one that would normally go out since he knew the people in the town better than any demon. As a kid Shoto was so fascinated about human beings that he disguised himself as one a couple of times just to interact with them.

As Shoto was finished with his errands and on his way back to the demon castle, he saw a cute little greenish black bunny on the entrance of the forest.

Shoto: Huh... Hello little buddy... What happened to you?

The small animal was badly injured not to mention unconscious and Shoto couldn't bring himself to just abandon the animal and let it die there so he decided to bring it to the healing pond on his way back home and adopt it.

Shoto: I am sure my brother won't mind me taking a pet back.

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