KFC anyone?

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Hawks POV:

In one moment I was running away and somehow got saved by a demon and in the next one I am in a pond nearly completely naked laying there soaking in water.



I started to wake up and the moment I found myself in the water, all I could think of were my wet feathers and what a pain it was to get them dry again.


I jumped up and quickly realized that I was thankfully not completely naked and my wings were completely wet.

Me: Oh come on! Who the freak did put me in here?! Do you know what a pain in the ass is getting these beauties dry again?!

As I was now standing I began looking around and I could see that I was in some kind of forest.The trees were overgrown keeping the sunlight out but I was kinda in a position where I could also see the sky a little bit. It was enough for me to fly out of the forest.

The only reason how I was able to see right now in the darkness of this stupid forrest is because of the stupid pond that someone put me in...The water inside the pond is glowing a soft green...

This kind of reminds me of that time when my little feather healed me...

Looking closer at all the trees I quickly realized that I am in one of the darker forested parts. Not only was I in any dark forest. I was in THE DARK FOREST! The one where most demons reside. It was the territory no angel and hero is going in on their free will. The aura in here was way too strong for us.

Me: Oh great! And how should I get out of here now?

I got out of the pond and tried to flap my wings to get them dried but in the end I was looking like a freaking wet poodle trying to shake all the water off it.

Me: Oh come on! Get dry!

I hated the thought of staying in demons territory so much that I completely forgot that I was nearly naked besides my wet boxers. Besides that I still had a missing baby bird to search for.

Now with all my attention moved on Izuku, I didn't care much about my situation and started running a little bit before flapping my wet wings and trying to get out of the forest. As one might have foreseen. One can not fly really well with wet wings. All I managed to do was get like 3 meters above the ground before my wings got too heavy for me and I started to crash land.

As if that was not enough. I landed face first into the dirt kissing it and my wings completely open. My sorry ass was also up in the air while I was kissing good old mother nature's dirt.

Dabi POV:

As I was on my way back to the healing pond with a new set of clothes for that chicken who somehow was also looking for my bunny as well...and the fact that the heroes were fighting him as an angel....

I know he was not a well liked angel because of the colour of his wings and that just some bullshit like saying that you don't like someone because they have different hair colour then you...like what they want him to do? Bleach his wings?

Anyway when I got back to the pond I never thought I would see what I did...

Me: I never knew you were into that kind of thing.

I smirk at that idiot since he mostly was trying to fly with his wings still wet.

As soon as he heard me he sat right back up with his wings wrapped around his body trying to hide it from me and slowly backing away from me which ended up with him falling into the pond that he was trying so hard to "fly" away from. It's not like I was the one that undressed him and put him in that pond so he would not bleeded to his death.

Me: I never know a birdie like you likes water that much I always thought they hate getting wet

Hawks: Shut up! You just scared me that's all!

Me: Oh so you scared of me?

Hawks: Who would not I mean have you seen your face? Everyone would be scared.

I said to the obvious hot denim in front of me with an evil jokingly smirk on my face.

Me: Haha very funny then does that mean you don't want the clothes I am so kindly lending you? Because your own clothes got really bloody?

Is what I said back to him responding to his joke as I was holding up the clothes in my hand then the next thing I know a wet chicken jumped on me.

Hawks: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

He happily said back which came more like singing.

Me: Hey get off! You are getting my clothes all wet!!

I said as I try to pushing him off me without hurting him after all he almost died about 2 hour ago then I see a smirk on his face that did not give off any good feeling not a bit

Next thing I know he jumped back into the pond...

But here the things was....

He was still holding on to me!!!!

Hawks: Hahaha now we're even!

Said the huge ass chicken while giggling at me even more.

Me: Well now your dry cloths is all wet.

I watched him reacting to what I just said as he slowly started to realize what he just did by pulling me into the water as well.

Me: Anyways come let us dry ourselves. We don't want to get sick.

I got up and got out of the pond as I lit a fire on some dry tree branch that was on the floor as I removed all my wet clothes from my body and set them aside to dry.

I don't know about him but me as a fire demon lord hates to go near water like the only time I am willingly get myself wet is when I am in the shower or in a bath other then that water can go fuck off me.

Me: Well are you going to stay in that pond and be chicken soup? Or come over here and dry yourself and your wings off?

I ask him and he just slowly makes his way over and sits next to me to warm himself and that when I saw it...

On his shoulder...It my mother fucking soul mark...

I am an Omega, SO WHAT?!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum