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All Might's POV:

I can't believe it took us so long to catch this useless little brat. But that is mostly the only thing he is ever good at.

Running away like the little bitch he is, this is why all heroes should have been an Alpha like me. Strong and powerful and not some Beta. He is even an Omega he is more useless than anyone else.

Anyway I am on my way to the "playroom" where Deku is in. Since I was the one to find out he was a " spy " I get to have my fun with him.

I can't help but think about all the fun things I get to do to him and at the end I get to have my power and title back as well.

Oh I feel like it's my Birthday and Christmas at the same time! What a happy day for me~

I open the door to find him tied to the table, ready for me to teach him a lesson for messing with what belongs to me. This ungrateful brat should have just died on the battlefield as a sad excuse of a hero as if I had any plans for him in the first place! Instead of dying as a useless brat that he is, but nooooooooo he decided to play heroes and look where that got him.

Oh well it's not like I care about him anyway. He was just some useless kid I used to make myself look better as the hero of kindness.

I walk to the table to where he is laying and look down on him oh I love the look he is making right now.






That right, I am far more strong and better than you will ever be.

This is what you get for not following my plan and died like the insect that you are.

Izuku's POV:

No please, don't!

Why me?



Me: .... ple...ase

It hurt so much. I felt like I couldn't breath at all. My body was covered in so many wounds that it started to feel numb. It was too much for me to handle.

Right before the torutre started a person came into the room, in which I was strapped to the table and injected something in me. That time I was a fool. I thought that they were my friends.... I thought that they were my family.... I thought so much... but everything was a lie.

Now here I was laying on a table and being tortured by the one person I believed in the most. He was not only an idol or a mentor for me... no.... He felt like a father to me. He was always so kind to me. Always helped me out. There was never a time when I couldn't go to him and speak to him.

The feeling I felt was more than just disappointment and sadness. I felt completely empty.

It didn't take long for me to figure out what they've given me. After the first slap into my face by the man that stole everything from me, I knew that something was wrong with my body. I had a very high pain tolerance as I had the title of deku but behind my back I could hear people say I am the weakest hero and so useless. Since I was so weak I trained fearlessly.

I am an Omega, SO WHAT?!Where stories live. Discover now