I miss the rush and the heat of the moment

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April 21, 2031
Rochester, New York
Rochester General Hospital

The ambulance pulls up at the emergency room entrance  of Rochester General Hospital, Kyle and Melton unload the patient from the back of the ambulance, and Melton presents the case to the trauma doctor "four-year-old female, suffering from force trauma to the head, open wound on the left lower quadrant and excessive blood lost" they push the gurney into the trauma unit, Melton looks at one of the nurses "we called on our way here, they were granting us privileges"

The nurse looks at her supervisor "do you know anything about this" the supervisor calls for the Chief of Trauma "Cardinal, here are the staff from Heartland Hospital, did you get them their privileges?" Doctor Cardinal comes up to Doctor Melton "your privileges have been granted, do what you can where you can, most of our staff is in the scene as well" Melton walks into the trauma unit where they are working with the little girl, and Kyle stays behind to assist with a patient who is choking.

As he approaches the bed of the choking patient a resident calls for him "Wait, you need to help him, his flatlining" Kyle stands behind the choking patient ready to perform the Heimlich Maneuver, and looks at the resident "First rule to remember in the middle of a mass emergency, you always go for the patient with the highest chance of survival" the object remains to block the airway, he lays the patient flat on his back and calls for another resident "now, you, help me open his airway before they both die"

The intern brings an intubation tray over to Kyle and stands there, looking at Kyle's work petrified , Kyle looks at the resident standing there and talks to him focused on his patient "You, what's your name" the resident looks at him "I'm Gregory" Kyle looks over to him "well Gregory, go get the crash car" he looks at the first resident "if you want to save him, start compression, NOOOW MOOVEEE."

The first resident looks at him with a worried face and replies "Yes doctor" Gregory arrives with the crash car and brings it to Kyle, Kyle stares at him as he connects the patient to a manual breathing bag "What are you bringing me that for? Take it to your fellow doctor with the patient on cardiac arrest" Gregory looks back to the patient flatlining "Oh right, I knew that"

As Kyle begins manual ventilations he looks over to the residents reanimating the patient "I need you to charge to 180 and shock him" One of the residents does as told as Gregory holds the paddles in his hand and shocks the patient "Ok doctor; he still has no pulse" Kyle replies to them "Continue giving compressions and charge to 200" the first resident does as he's told, Gregory delivers the second shock "Clear; no signs of a pulse" Kyle looks at the two residents "Keep compressions and oxygen running, I'll be right there."

Kyle preps the first patient and leaves him under the supervision of a resident, as he approaches the patient in cardiac arrest, three more ambulances show up "Where is the main staff of this place?" Greggory looks at him "They were sent to help at the mall" Kyle rolls his eyes "Seriously, this is the nearest number one trauma certified hospital and they send their entire staff to location? No wonder your guys are lost"

The first resident puts the paddles down "What do we do next? He is still non-responsive, there is no pulse and we've had to shock him twice" Kyle looks at the sweaty intern "alright, take a breath, this is no different from any other crashing patient, alright, so just breath, you know what needs to be done" the resident starts to breathe along with Kyle, Kyle puts a comforting hand on his shoulder "alright what do we do when compressions are not working"

The resident looks around and back to Kyle "we push epi" Kyle claps "we push epi, now, give the order" the resident takes a deep breath "Alright push one ml of epi and charge to 280"
At that moment, the patient's wife shows up "OMG RUNNY, OMG WHAT HAPPENED TO MY HUSBAND"

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