Fair Warning (Phobia)

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Hello, Phobia here.

If you've never seen our stuff before (which you probably haven't, considering this is the first thing we've posted here) there are 4 people on our account. There's me, Phobia, then there's Grassy Ass, Die, and Ginger Fringer. In case you're wondering, the names are all inside jokes we'll maybe explain - or maybe not whatever.

This is a Sander Side fanfiction, but with twist. We are all going to write this story together.

Its going be be almost like a one-sentence-story, to simplify things. But it's going to be almost like a game. Here's how it works/the rules, I guess.

1) Everyone writes a chapter at a time. I go first, then Die, then GF, then GA. Then repeat.

2) We are only allowed to read the one chapter that's come before us. So I have to read GA's chapters, but I can't read Die's or GF's. So I'll have no idea what they've wrote.

3) There is no structure plotline. We have a brief outline, but barely.

So, this should be fun. I have no idea how well this will work. Also, there's no schedule for updates as some of us write slower than others (looking at you GA).

We kinda just did this as a laugh so enjoy, I suppose. If we add anymore rules, we'll tell you but I don't think we will. Idk we're very unpredictable people

Phobia x

Anything to add, anyone?

Quick note: the length of the chapters will also be varied, depending on who writes it. For examples Phobia's will probably by be longer than GA's :)
~Die 💀

Another quick note: 1. fuck you guys 2. Screw you guys and 3. True-
-Grassy ass 🪴

Ouch it truly is brutal out here
— Phobia x

Yeah, sure Idm
~Die 💀

For context, when planning this - brief planning - so we all kinda had a gist of what was happening, we were passing notes in class. Die kept responding with "Yeah,sure Idm". I was going to kill him. Anyway we'll shut up now enjoy

- Phobia x

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